
1. **补血养颜**:天喜丸中含有多种中药材,如肉桂、砂仁、甘草、干姜、豆蔻等,这些成分有助于补血,从而改善面色,增强体质。

2. **调经止痛**:对于经期不调、痛经等症状,天喜丸有很好的缓解作用。它能够调节女性内分泌,改善月经周期,减少经痛。

3. **促进孕育**:天喜丸中的一些成分被认为有助于改善生殖系统功能,从而有助于孕育。

4. **缓解头痛**:对于偏头痛、正头痛等症状,天喜丸有一定的缓解效果。

5. **改善肠胃**:天喜丸可以帮助改善肠胃功能,促进消化,缓解消化不良等问题。

6. **清理瘀血**:对于产后恶露未清、瘀血不清等情况,天喜丸有一定的清理作用。

7. **增强体质**:对于体质虚弱、气血两亏、瘦弱多病等人群,天喜丸可以增强体质,提高免疫力。


8. **改善睡眠**:对于失眠多梦、精神疲乏等问题,天喜丸有一定的改善作用。

9. **美容养颜**:对于暗疮、口臭、容颜憔悴等问题,天喜丸可以通过调节身体机能,达到美容养颜的效果。

10. **缓解腰膝酸痛**:对于腰膝酸痛、腹部隐痛等症状,天喜丸有缓解作用。




1. **补虚止痛**:天麻具有镇静止痛的功效,对于血管神经性头痛、脑血管病头痛等有显著效果。排骨则能补气虚、滋阴健脾,两者结合能够有效缓解疼痛,同时补充身体虚弱。

2. **补血活血**:排骨富含血红素(有机铁)和促进铁吸收的半胱氨酸,有助于改善缺铁性贫血。天麻本身具有行气活血的功效,因此天麻炖排骨对缺血、产后血虚者尤为适宜。

3. **防治高血压**:天麻中的天麻多糖能促进内源性舒血管物质的生成,抑制缩血管物质的释放,有助于降低血压。而排骨和天麻的结合,使得这道汤对于高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。


4. **强身健骨**:天麻富含天麻多糖,具有清除自由基的作用,提高免疫力,抵御病毒侵害。排骨中含有的磷酸钙、骨胶原、骨粘蛋白等,对幼儿和老人提供钙质,有助于骨骼发育和预防骨质疏松。

5. **祛风除湿**:天麻具有祛风除湿的作用,对风湿性关节炎、类风湿性关节炎等有治疗作用。

6. **扩张血管,增加心肌收缩力**:天麻炖排骨能够扩张血管,增加心肌收缩力,对预防心绞痛、三叉神经痛、血管神经炎等有益。


7. **调节内分泌,增强免疫功能**:天麻炖排骨有助于调节内分泌功能,增强免疫功能,有助于预防和治疗多种疾病。



1. **提神醒脑**:茶叶中含有咖啡因,可以刺激中枢神经系统,提高警觉性和注意力。

2. **抗氧化**:茶叶中的多酚类物质具有很好的抗氧化作用,可以清除体内的自由基,延缓细胞衰老。

3. **助消化**:茶中的茶多酚有助于分解脂肪,促进消化,对于减肥和控制体重有一定的帮助。

4. **保护心血管**:茶叶中的儿茶素等成分有助于降低血脂、胆固醇,预防心血管疾病。


5. **抗炎作用**:茶多酚具有抗炎作用,可以减轻炎症反应。

6. **利尿作用**:茶叶中的茶碱具有利尿作用,有助于排除体内多余水分。

7. **改善口腔健康**:饮茶可以清洁口腔,抑制口腔细菌的生长,减少口腔异味。

8. **缓解疲劳**:茶香拂面时,香气能够舒缓紧张情绪,有助于放松身心,缓解疲劳。

9. **增强免疫力**:茶叶中的多种维生素和矿物质可以增强人体免疫力。

10. **促进睡眠**:虽然茶叶中含有咖啡因,但适量饮用可以促进睡眠,尤其是睡前饮用发酵茶,如普洱茶。



1. **滋补肝肾**:枸杞味甘性平,归肝肾经,具有滋补肝肾、益精明目的作用。中医认为,肝肾不足会导致腰膝酸软、头晕目眩等症状,而枸杞可以有效改善这些症状。

2. **增强免疫力**:现代研究显示,枸杞能够增强机体免疫功能,提高机体对各种有害刺激的适应能力,有助于抵御病邪的侵害。

3. **抗疲劳**:枸杞子能显著增加肌糖原、肝糖原的贮备量,提高人体活力,具有抗疲劳的养生功效。

4. **促进造血功能**:枸杞子具有明显的促进造血细胞增殖的作用,可以使白细胞数增多,增强人体的造血功能。

5. **延缓衰老**:枸杞中含有丰富的胡萝卜素、维生素A、B1、B2、C等抗氧化成分,能有效抑制自由基,延缓衰老。

6. **保护视力**:枸杞中的维生素A和β-胡萝卜素对眼睛有很好的保护作用,有助于改善视力,预防视力下降。


7. **降血糖、降血脂**:枸杞子含有胍的衍生物,可以降低血糖,同时还能调节血脂,对糖尿病和高血脂症患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

8. **保肝、抗脂肪肝**:枸杞子中的甜菜碱能够抑制脂肪在肝细胞内沉积,促进肝细胞再生,对肝脏有保护作用。

9. **美容养颜**:枸杞子可以提高皮肤吸收养分的能力,对女性而言,常吃枸杞还可以起到美白养颜的功效。


10. **抗癌作用**:枸杞子对癌细胞的生成和扩散有明显的抑制作用,对癌症患者配合化疗,有减轻毒副作用,防止白血球减少,调节免疫功能等疗效。

11. **改善过敏症状**:枸杞子对过敏引起的胃肠道、关节疼痛、出血等症状有缓解作用。



1. **清肝明目**:枸杞和菊花都是具有明目效果的食材。枸杞能滋补肝肾、益精明目,而菊花则能疏散风热、平抑肝阳、清肝明目。两者结合可以改善视力疲劳、视力模糊等问题。

2. **提升肾动力**:枸杞具有提升肾动力的作用,可以增强肾脏功能。

3. **补血养颜**:红枣富含多种维生素和矿物质,能够补血养颜,适合气血不足、面色苍白的人群。

4. **恢复精气**:黄芪可以恢复精气,增强体力。


5. **清热解毒**:菊花具有清热解毒的功效,对于体内热毒积聚、口干舌燥等症状有缓解作用。

6. **改善心脑血管功能**:红枣和枸杞都有助于改善心脑血管功能,预防心血管疾病。

7. **抗疲劳**:这种茶饮能够帮助缓解身体疲劳,提高工作效率。


8. **增强免疫力**:枸杞和红枣都有助于增强人体免疫力,提高抵抗力。

9. **抗氧化**:枸杞和红枣中的多种抗氧化物质有助于清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老。


10. **改善睡眠**:红枣和枸杞都有助于改善睡眠质量。




### 益处:

1. **调节血糖**:低聚肽能够促进胰岛素分泌,有助于调节血糖水平,对糖尿病患者有益。

2. **降血脂**:低聚肽可以抑制胆固醇的升高,对降低血脂有积极作用。


3. **降血压**:通过抑制血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)的活性,低聚肽有助于降低血压。

4. **增强免疫力**:低聚肽能刺激淋巴细胞增殖,增强巨噬细胞的吞噬功能,提高机体对外界病毒的抵抗能力。

5. **抗氧化**:低聚肽具有抗氧化作用,能清除自由基,减少氧化应激,有助于延缓衰老。

6. **促进消化吸收**:低聚肽分子量小,易被人体吸收,有助于营养的吸收。

7. **抗疲劳**:低聚肽能促进蛋白质合成,有助于肌肉恢复,缓解疲劳。

8. **抗微生物**:低聚肽能增强免疫功能,对抗微生物入侵。

9. **延缓衰老**:通过促进消化和毒素排出,低聚肽有助于延缓衰老过程。

### 影响:

1. **安全性**:低聚肽一般被认为是安全的,但过量摄入可能导致不良反应,如消化不良、腹泻等。

2. **个体差异**:不同个体对低聚肽的反应可能不同,某些人可能对其效果更敏感。

3. **与其他药物相互作用**:低聚肽可能与某些药物相互作用,例如降血压药或胰岛素,因此在使用前应咨询医生。

4. **长期效果**:长期使用低聚肽的效果和安全性需要进一步的研究和评估。


"Much better" Feng Ji helped him pour a little white wine "drink less"

"Are you in such a hurry to find me?" Feng Yunian asked while eating with chopsticks.
Feng Ji pushed the glass in the past and said softly, "There may be personnel changes in Songjiang recently."
"What changes?" Feng Yunian asked
"The general logistics department of the army decided to promote you as the deputy mayor of Songjiang to the city council" Feng Ji replied lightly.
Feng Yunian leng along while "promoted me to vice mayor? What do you mean, you want my police chief? "
"No" Feng Ji shook his head. "You are the deputy mayor and the director of Songjiang police station, and you may be in charge of politics and law in the future."
Feng Yunian heard him say that, and his heart became more understanding. "What does this mean? I was madly suppressed before, and now I suddenly have such a high intention? "
"I asked my master, but he didn’t talk to me deeply … if you are asked to do it, you should do more and talk less." Feng Ji looked at him and replied.
Feng Yunian frowned. "This period of World War II has been subjected to layer crush. Suddenly, I come. How do I feel that this is not quite right …? !”
"There must be political meaning," Feng Ji gently woke up, "but when the order comes, you have to go on."
"Does the World War II Regional Command know about this?" Feng Yunian asked
"I didn’t know it before, but it must be clear now." Feng Jihui
District 9 World War II Command
Commander Zhou is looking at the scenery outside with his back in the window.
"Commander estimates that Feng Yunian’s promotion news will arrive in Songjiang the next day." The staff next to him said softly, "… in my opinion, this thing is a bit abnormal."
Commander Zhou replied in a low voice, "Don’t look at Feng’s reaction."
"Well" staff nodded.
Commander Zhou inexplicably sighed, "I’m too tired to panic. Cancel the meeting."
More than six o’clock in the evening
In a small bar in Yanbei District, Qiao Xiaoxiao stretched out his hand and stopped Lin Nianlei. "You drink slowly and no one will rob you."
"Don’t worry" Lin Nianlei with the wave.
"Are you really sure that Qin Yu killed Jiujiang instead of working?" Qiao Xiaoxiao asked softly
"She has a lot of factors." Lin Nianlei held her forehead and replied with alcohol on her face. "I have heard a lot of rumors in Chuanfu … but I always don’t believe that Xiao … Xiaoyu can have other ideas … I believe that Thaksin is engraved in the bone. Are you white … Xiao?"
"I am white" Joe nodded a little.
"I’m confused …" Lin Nianlei looked at the strange faces in the bar and said with dull eyes. "I want to prove to my family that I made the right choice for the rest of my life … but ironically, the rest of my life may be over before."
"You don’t want to think so much," said Joe with a small frown. "Qin Yu didn’t talk to you again. You guessed it right here. Isn’t it more uncomfortable? You have to let him find you and explain what he really thinks … We really can’t be stupid, but you can’t judge a person arbitrarily! "
The words sound just fell and Lin Nianlei’s mobile phone suddenly rang.
Chapter 11 A bustling city
Lin Nianlei picked up the phone and saw that it was Qin Yu calling and just pressed the hang up button.
"Did he fight?" Qiao Xiaoxiao immediately asked
"Yes" Lin Nianlei held her forehead and looked at the mobile phone screen in wait for a while and nodded.


Ten minutes later.
When the words reached Qin Yu, he listened carefully to Ma Laoer’s speech before his somber words decisively responded, "If you want me to occupy the ground, you can see how big the problem is."
"Ok, then I’m white." Ma Laoer hung up the phone as soon as he answered directly.
At the same time
Zhao Bao met a long-lost classmate in a coffee shop in the city and immediately smiled and asked, "You are very busy. Hehe, I will wait for you all afternoon."
"I’m really sorry I went out to take some photos," the classmate responded apologetically.
"What is it?" Zhao Bao asked curiously.
"A child died in a truck and suffocated alive. I went to take a candid photo." The classmate took off his slightly dirty old coat and replied lightly.
Chapter DiErSiLiu Fishing
Zhao Bao’s friend’s name is Tang Yuan. He is a freelance media writer. He usually publishes some sharp current affairs news on some small portals that need drainage. However, because of his sharp writing style and sharp perspective on the problem, people are not getting along well. Last year, he was prosecuted by the prosecution for maliciously attacking the relief agency and spent half a year in prison.
Tang Yuan was a little stiff in front of Zhao Bao, because when he was in school, he and Zhao Bao were both the most important people in the school, but now everyone has stepped into the society, and family factors have played an important role. The former classmates are now in a different place.
Coffee shop Zhao Bao looked at the shabby clothes, greasy hair and a full face of Wen Qing and Hu Tangyuan. "Where is the dead child?"
"It’s in the planning area not far from Songjiang," Tang Yuan replied. "Those boys are almost underage. Alas, they died miserably."
Zhao Bao was stunned. "Why would that child die in the car?"
"According to my experience, these children should be tied up by traffickers to sell, but I still don’t understand why they died in the car." Tang Yuan rubbed his hands and frowned lightly. "But I’m looking into this."
Zhao Baowen’s eyes are bright and his legs are crossed. "Do you think this news is a bit?"
"I check the news a little." Tang Yuan’s face was full of confidence when he said this sentence.
There is a city near nanyang road, which used to lead directly to Songjiang, but now people have taken care of the river and frozen it into ice. The buildings on both sides are already dilapidated, and the fences are decaying and the cement slopes are cracked. Usually, people come here.
A semi-new pickup truck stopped at the bank of the river, and Liu Shu stepped out with a walkie-talkie and shouted, "I’m here. Come out."
About seven minutes later, the store on the left side of the river stepped out, and four or five young people quickly surrounded the car.
"What the hell is going on?" Liu Shu asked beside the car
"It’s Pei Deyong who is fighting for bulk cargo. Many small buyers are trying to go to their place to get the goods." The leading youth whispered, "My brothers came to make a lot of appointments, but now they have all cancelled."
"Did you find out whether Pei Deyong people entered our ground bulk cargo or let people go there to get it?" Liu Shu asked again
"It’s for people to get it in the past," the young man replied with a serious face. "None of them stepped on the line to sell it."
Liu Shuwen walked around in the same place and thought it over for a long time, then he said, "Well, what do you do? Find a few small buyers who are very close to us to call Pei Deyong’s bulk brothers and say that the goods in hand are not enough to sell, so let them send them over and trade here."
"I’m not sure if they can deliver the goods," replied the young man, somewhat unsure.
"People lying on their faces can make money anywhere," Liu Shu replied with a straight face. "Just tell the buyer that if the other party doesn’t come, let him increase the purchase volume."
"Good I understand" youth nodded.
"Go to the house to stay" Liu Shusuo car at all called a..
In front of a low-end music bar on Nanyang Road.
"hello?" A young man with dyed white hair shouted, "What can I do for you?"
"I heard that you also bulk cargo? Hehe, give me some? "
"Ok, come and get it. I’m at the Waka Waka Bar." The white-haired boy agreed to come.
"I’m not waiting for the buyer to pick up the goods now," the other party replied after a pause. "Hey, do you want someone to send it to me?"
"That’s no good. If you have something to say, don’t let us sell it in our own place." The white-haired guy shook his head. "You’d better pick it up yourself."
"Is the management of the sleeping trough so strict over there?"
"This international management, haha!" The white-haired guy laughed.
"I’m telling you, Ma Jia’s goods are limited to so many a day. I’m very out of stock," the other party said in a low voice. "If you can deliver them to me, I’ll ask you for two boxes of antiviral drugs a day from today."
The white-haired guy was stunned. "Can you eat so much?"
"Yes," the other person nodded and replied, "But it’s not easy for me to go to your side."

The Nuoda Temple of the Ghost is as it used to be. Although the monks inside already knew that we would come to worship the mountain today, they didn’t even come out to meet them. Even the monks who knew the guests didn’t come out. The gate was still closed in the temple to chant Buddhist scriptures and recite Buddha.

I hesitated for a moment to announce that I didn’t name other sects because I didn’t want to drag them down personally. What happened with my mountain was borne by me alone.
After the notification, people waited for a long time to answer.
"Grass you big ye really think of yourself as a dish, or kick the door back to you." King Kong cannon will kick the door before he sees that I have received a cold reception.
"Four senior brothers and don’t be anxious" beside WenXiaoFeng stretched out his hand and took the king kong cannon and waved to the temperature inclinometer and commanded a few words. The latter Ma Qianli discussed it for a moment and left with many Maoshan bottoms separately.
"Brother?" I looked at WenXiaoFeng with doubts, which naturally meant asking him what he was going to do when he sent the Maoshan Sect.
"Today, it’s hard to do good things. Once the enemy and the enemy are afraid of fighting, they will be shocked. I will send the Maoshan faction to drive away the ten-mile beast in Fiona Fang first, which has suffered from the disaster of fish in the pond." Wen Xiaofeng said with a cold hum that he had moved to clear the field and said that he had already made a murder.
"Send these implements to the mountain" I turned and waved to my accompanying brother. The cold reception made me angry. If we go in and give gifts now, it will not only have no easing effect, but also make the other party recognize that we are not confident enough to help the enemy destroy ourselves. We can’t do things.
Everyone waited patiently outside the Temple of the Ghost when there were two incense sticks. They found that wild animals from all over the mountains fled this area restlessly, and they didn’t know what the Maoshan pie cloth was, not to mention the larger mammals. Even snakes, insects, rats and ants fled from their nests.
"Kick the door." King Kong cannon had a hard time waiting until Maoshan people came back and forced them to stop.
"Don’t kick" I quickly condensed the aura of the whole body and repaired the purple gas to the extreme. I slowly stretched out my right hand and pointed it at the temple wall.
"What do you want to do?" King Kong Bao looked up at me in horror when he saw that my left hand was pinching mountains.
"tear down the temple!"
Chapter 27 War is just around the corner
It’s the first time since I rushed to the peak of purple gas that this kind of overbearing object-moving spell has exerted unprecedented power in my own aura to urge me to move mountains. The towering courtyard wall around the temple gate was grabbed by me and thrown away by Qi Gen, and the temple gate was broken and splashed with dust for a long time before it was blown away by the mountain wind. Since you don’t give me the temple gate, I will own one.
There are three reasons why I want to move the mountain-moving tactic to remove a large part of the external wall of the temple. The first reason is to retaliate against Master Hui for neglecting us. The second reason is to cut off my own back and completely abandon the idea of reconciliation and turn to force. The third reason is to show my magic power to my comrades-in-arms and enemies in order to strengthen myself and defeat the enemy.
Because he is deliberately showing off the magic, he doesn’t scratch the mountain at will, but first exercises aura to divide the broken part of the wall foundation smoothly, so after removing the left and right courtyard walls, the left and right broken parts of the courtyard wall foundation are very neat as if this wall had never been there at all.
The surprise in the courtyard behind me proves that my actions have received the expected effect. When fighting, I must let my comrades-in-arms have absolute confidence and trust in themselves, otherwise it will be difficult to boost morale. When the temple exclaimed, it said that my spell had shocked the monks inside to complete the temple fence. The scene of being removed was still terrible, but when I looked back at the temple with a smile, I found that the previous exclamations were young monks and the monks in golden robes were still chanting scriptures, although the monks chanted scriptures differently, they were not at all controversial.
At this moment, the vast nether monastery is full of monks. Although the nether monastery is located at the foot of Jiuhua Mountain, the sun can still shine here. The afternoon sun is still very hot, but the monks did not enter the main hall to escape the heat, nor did they see sweat. What I saw was that the monks did not sit in disorder, but were slightly separated. That is to say, the nether monastery invited these nine masters to belong to a different monastery, plus two lavender monasteries in Jian Zhen. There were eleven purple masters, including two Tibetan Buddhist monks with strange costumes.
Just when I was wondering why Master Hui was not among the monks, the soul-identifying monk who had been detained by me jumped out of the hall and suddenly came to me, pointing to me and cursing, "What do you want, Xiao Zamao?"
"Bald donkey mouth clean point … soil light eggs you fuck? ….. Fuck you, who are you scolding? " I haven’t spoken back yet, and everyone has scolded me. My soul was arrested by the sneak attack of King Kong cannon and I naturally hated us. Moreover, King Kong cannon and I also destroyed the body of Master Hui. He was naturally very angry, and although he was a Buddhist brother, his temper was abnormal. Seeing that the gate wall was destroyed by me, it was not difficult to understand that he could not help jumping out to scold.
"Being original this time is to call on Master Shihui to despise you, the younger generation. Go and learn from him." I deliberately held my head high and showed disdain. I was much older than me. Three years ago, I had the same lavender aura. Now, as the saying goes, I can’t call him a younger generation if I learn first, but what I want to do is to provoke him to take the lead. Then I can take the opportunity to "punish the other side with a big punishment and a small warning" to get rid of a master of purple gas first.
"Shame miscellaneous hair has come to my nether world temple three times and twice to provoke you to be a poor monk, afraid of you?" Jianxing was extremely angry and tried to shoot me.
"Don’t be rash, teacher younger brother." At this moment, monk Jian Zhen chased him out and stretched out his hand to hold the sword. "Be patient for a while and don’t forget the master’s entrustment."
"Brother, this person is cruel." He looked at Jian Zhen angrily. Although he was grumpy, he still respected his brother Jian Zhen. Although he was unwilling, he stopped coming.
"The real Amitabha Buddha came from a long way to the Temple of the Ghost, but he didn’t meet the sin. Please invite the real person to enter the temple." Jian Zhen came to me and folded.
I’ve been waiting for you, but I didn’t expect Jian Zhen to give me such a set of tricks. I was stunned on the spot. What medicine does this guy sell in the gourd?
"Although the elder brother and master said to let them into the temple when they were wandering," the eyebrows were wrinkled. "But our nether world is a bodhisattva’s palace. How can we let them in if we don’t enter the reincarnation?"
"Hum!" Chen Zhou’s three old people are cold-blooded at the same time. The so-called reincarnation correction is their three town-sent zombies.
"Oh, where is the master girl?" Da ji mei son deliberately stood her chest and threw it at the eye. The latter turned away with a cold hum.
"Is it easy for a thief to be bald and have a good gift?" Road flyover Huang Mei is also furious. His email is all about animal body practice. I don’t scold them with a 7-point sentence.
"Amitabha Buddha’s poor monk younger brother’s words are like words. You real people should not blame the invitation to serve tea." Jian Zhen reached out and kowtowed to the guest.
"Brother? !” Identification and want to stop by Jian Zhen glare back.
"Dare to ask the master to make master Hui Zen master now?" I didn’t get into the temple, but turned and looked at Jian Zhen.
"Amitabha Buddha’s teacher told me to wait for guests to greet guests before leaving the temple yesterday. Nai’s real friends are different from ordinary people. When the poor monk younger brother hesitated to meet them, he neglected the real people." Jian Zhen said with folded hands.
"Ah, ran away?" King Kong cannon exclaimed loudly.
Although I didn’t speak, my heart was no less surprised than that of Zen master Vaughan. I knew what we were coming, and I had to go out to wander. You know, at this time, wandering is indeed suspected of getting cold feet. Since I invited my helper Vaughan to be the master, why should I leave the temple?
In addition, Jian Zhen’s words also make me wonder where Dahuihui is now. I don’t know that his Buddhism is better than my Taoism. If he deliberately hides his breath, I can’t find out that if this old guy sets a trap for me inside, it is not wise for me to rush in.
I wondered, raised my eyebrows and observed the position where all the monks were sitting in a temple, but I didn’t find anything unusual. I turned to look at Wen Xiaofeng and Wen Feng Xiao shook his head to signal that he didn’t find anything unusual or ambush. I looked sideways again and nodded her head gently. She was often well-informed and familiar with the arrangements of various factions in her previous lives. She nodded, which means that many monks are not in any position. Although we can simply nod and shake our heads, we still get along with each other for more than 30 years in our previous lives. It is possible to accurately guess the meaning of the two people, so there is no need to make words. At last, I took a look at the king kong cannon. This guy was stunned and gave me a sentence, "What are you looking at me for?"
"Master, please," I turned and stretched out my hand and humbly led the people into the nether world. Wen Xiaofeng deliberately stayed behind the temple for all the people to enter without any abnormality, and then he strolled in. His move was not to be afraid of anything, but to prevent the Ministry from entering a trap. Then there was no rescuer.
"Did Master Hui Zen ever explain the past and the return date before he left?" I stopped when I entered the temple. I had to enter the temple or I was suspected of weakness, but I didn’t have to go into their hall.
"Never," Jian Zhen said with folded hands.

At this time, the drug dealers in the courtyard have seen the gang coming from the courtyard through the lighting monitoring equipment at the door.

"Mom a b who said this is a UNPROFOR? This is a fucking soldier! " The leading drug dealer waved his hand over his injured abdomen and shouted, "Silly? Don’t be angry, you can’t fight, surrender, shout surrender! "
The gun lasted less than two minutes, and then it completely stopped. The remaining drug dealer department abandoned the gun and surrendered, squatting around the warehouse door.
The seventh district is far away from Chuanfu, but the monthly delivery volume of drug dealers is different. They can’t deliver the goods now, and the sales base is always looking for an inconspicuous warehouse to store them, and buyers can do the same-day delivery.
Moreover, these drug dealers in Chuanfu area are almost the Xu family control team. They are mainly responsible for docking with local "dealers" to earn money, but they are not pressing money to hoard goods. To put it bluntly, they are senior foes and the real place to deal with local families is the Xu family core team, otherwise Xu Liang will not come in person.
As Jun Chen said, Hesheng Pharmaceutical’s intention to do this here is not just to make money, but to infiltrate.
So tonight, drug dealers in various regions are not too fierce in the face of regular troops, because the goods are not their own hard work, but they are dead, so they are honestly waiting to be dealt with when things look wrong.
After the joint law enforcement lasted for ten hours, Ou Xiaobin’s group swept at least 30 storage sites, and the number of illegal drugs involved was as high as more than 20 tons.
In the early morning, Ou Xiaobin dialed the cocoa number and bluntly asked, "How to deal with the goods?"
"After ten o’clock in the morning, the Ministry pulled back to the heavy capital and burned it in public," Coco said without hesitation.
A chief of staff of a regiment at the law enforcement site outside the heavy capital rested on her hips and looked at the boxes of goods and could not help but sigh, "How much is Xiaobin’s more than 20 tons of goods worth?" ! This set fire to the hsu family and it was painful to spasm. "
"You can’t touch this thing, no matter how much it costs," Ou Xiaobin said gravely. "Give me an order to order officers at all levels who dare to hide goods privately. Once they are found, they will be shot directly. There is no human feelings to tell."
"Well" chief of staff nodded.
At three o’clock in the afternoon, a middle-aged man in the general manager’s office of NANBERT ZHONG Huhesheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. said, "The goods of Chuanfu were swept away, and hundreds of drug-releasing children were caught, and the goods were burned by a fire outside the heavy capital this afternoon …"
Xu Hanshan gnashed his teeth with a gloomy face and said, "I think you made an appointment with a judicial unit this afternoon. I want to sentence Qiu Wu for half a month and let Qin Yu watch him die."
Chapter 162 Meet at the hospital
There is no motivation for Ye Xiao to punch a set of combination punches here in Chuanfu. The urban situation and the planned area are definitely not as good as what you want. All factors should be considered, and at present, Qiu Wu is still in the police headquarters. Brother Xiao must first determine his situation.
Both suspects and criminals have received lawyers. Li Suo Ye Xiao specially called the legal team of Tiancheng Pharmaceutical Branch to determine the situation of Qiu Wu in it, but strangely, the lawyer applied for an interview for two days and did not see Qiu Wu on the grounds that he was unwell and was being treated in the hospital.
Lawyer Gang, this is the police headquarters. It is ready to apply to the public prosecution inspection unit for legal punishment for violating the law enforcement of the police headquarters, but the police headquarters has taken out the hospital certificate. At present, Qiu Wu is really in a state of emergency treatment and cannot be interviewed for the time being.
Brother Xiao has no confidence in this.
Brother Xiao of South Shanghai Branch sat on the sofa and looked at the lawyer and said, "I have to see you first, and I have to do something to see if I can find it in the hospital."
"Ok, I’ll ask." The lawyer took out his mobile phone.
At the same time
Hu Fei, the person in charge of the Qiu Wu case in the office area of the special investigation team of the South Shanghai Police Headquarters, is eating a soup and lunch.
"Lawyers of Hu Team Tiancheng Branch have protested to the procuratorial unit many times that we are violating the law and won’t let them meet Qiu Wu." A police officer said softly at the table, "It’s not a big deal to say this kind of thing. After all, there are still some in Tiancheng here in South Shanghai. Once someone in the procuratorial unit helps them speak, it’s also a violation of discipline."
"How is Qiu Wu?" Hu Fei asked lightly.
"A lot more stable"
"He still won’t sign?" Hu Fei asked again
"Well, this man has a hard bone." The police officer nodded.
"It’s no problem that he was sentenced to death for what he did in South Shanghai." Hu Fei frowned and replied, "Forget it, let them see it if they want to see it. It has no effect on the overall situation."
At one o’clock in the afternoon
The lawyer received a message from the case-handling personnel of the police headquarters, and the other party said that Qiu Wuke had received it.
Ye Xiao immediately got up and said, "I want to go to the hospital, too."
"Well, you can be a French team," the lawyer said after thinking, "but when you go, try not to talk as much as possible."
Brother Xiao nodded
The lawyer heard the news and charged Brother Owl a few words before leaving the company with him.
After more than forty minutes’ drive, the car arrived at the South Shanghai Police Hospital. The lawyer found the case-handling personnel skillfully, and after completing the formalities, he took Ye Xiao into the ward area where the suspects involved were specially detained.
Brother Xiao walked in the corridor and smelled pungent disinfectant, and his face became more gloomy.
The case handlers led the people into the ward of Qiu Wu.
The sickbed Qiu Wu’s head and body are wrapped in gauze, and the right index finger and middle finger are nailed with steel nails, which looks terrible.
Owl elder brother bitten to grind one hand ChaDou came to QiuWu side bowed their heads and quietly looked at him without a word.
Qiuwu looked at the owl elder brother grinned and nodded at him.
The lawyer stepped forward to the bedside and pulled up a chair to sit professionally and rigorously, asking, "How did you get the injury?"
"A few supernumerary police play" QiuWu lightly replied.
"Are you sure it is a police officer?"
"Yes," gasped Qiu Wu. "They are all fucking operatives. They know better than anyone who will take care of me."
"What about the direction of the case?" The lawyer asked again, "Tell me about the situation …"
"It’s all things that I forgot myself," Qiu Wu recalled. "Many of them started five or six years ago."
When the lawyer heard this, his heart was white. The other party engaged in hatred in the past. That must be to sentence him to death. Because people on the ground have a primitive accumulation process, in which they compete for resources and seize territory, it is inevitable. No matter how high they are, there must be some unclean things.