
1. **丰富的营养成分**:弥桃中含有丰富的维生素、矿物质和膳食纤维。其中,维生素C的含量较高,有助于增强免疫力,促进铁的吸收,预防坏血病。

2. **抗氧化作用**:弥桃中含有多种抗氧化物质,如维生素C、维生素E、类黄酮等,可以清除体内的自由基,减缓细胞老化,预防多种慢性疾病。

3. **促进消化**:弥桃中的膳食纤维可以促进肠道蠕动,有助于预防便秘,维护肠道健康。


4. **清热解毒**:中医认为,弥桃性平、味甘酸,具有清热解毒、利尿消肿的功效,对于夏季发热、口渴、尿少等症状有一定的缓解作用。

5. **养颜美容**:弥桃中含有丰富的维生素和微量元素,可以滋养肌肤,延缓衰老,达到养颜美容的效果。

6. **补血补肾**:弥桃中的铁质含量较高,对于缺铁性贫血患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。同时,弥桃还具有补肾益气的功效。


7. **增强免疫力**:弥桃中的维生素C可以增强人体免疫力,提高抵抗力,预防感冒等疾病。


8. **降低胆固醇**:弥桃中的膳食纤维可以降低血液中的胆固醇,有助于预防心血管疾病。

9. **促进生长发育**:弥桃中含有丰富的钙、磷等矿物质,对于儿童和青少年生长发育具有重要意义。



### 药效:


1. **清热解毒**:双黄连具有清热解毒的作用,能够消除体内热毒,适用于治疗各种热性疾病。
2. **抗菌抗病毒**:双黄连具有抗菌和抗病毒的作用,对于细菌和病毒引起的疾病有较好的治疗效果。
3. **提高免疫力**:双黄连能够提高机体免疫力,增强身体的抵抗力。
4. **抗炎解热**:双黄连对于急性炎症有明显的抑制作用,并具有解热作用。
5. **促进细胞功能**:双黄连能够促进肾上腺皮质激素的释放,增强白细胞吞噬功能。

### 应用:

1. **呼吸道疾病**:如感冒、流感、肺炎、咽炎、扁桃体炎等。
2. **病毒性疾病**:如手足口病、流行性腮腺炎、病毒性肝炎等。
3. **皮肤疾病**:如痈疮、疖肿、皮肤感染等。


4. **其他疾病**:如急慢性咽炎、扁桃体炎、尿路感染等。


### 具体应用实例:

1. **治疗小儿支原体肺炎**:根据相关研究,双黄连口服液与阿奇霉素联合使用,可以显著提高儿童支原体肺炎的治疗效果,同时具有高安全性。
2. **抗新冠病毒**:研究表明,双黄连口服液对新冠病毒有抑制作用,其主要活性成分黄芩苷/黄芩素对新冠病毒3CLPro的抑制率可达mol级别。
3. **治疗急慢性咽喉炎**:双黄连注射液在治疗急慢性咽喉炎上具有显著疗效,其临床总有效率高达93.75%。

### 注意事项:

1. 双黄连并非万能药,对于某些疾病的治疗效果可能有限。
2. 使用双黄连时应严格按照说明书或医师建议进行,避免过量使用。
3. 对于过敏体质的患者,使用双黄连前应先进行过敏试验。



1. **增强肠道菌群多样性**:人体肠道菌群是一个复杂的微生态系统,包含多种不同的微生物。益生菌复配能够提供多种菌株,从而增强肠道菌群的多样性,有助于维持肠道菌群的平衡。



2. **全方位调节肠道健康**:不同菌株的益生菌可能在肠道中不同的区域发挥作用。例如,双歧杆菌主要在大肠生存繁殖,而乳杆菌则在小肠中活跃。复配的益生菌可以同时在小肠和大肠发挥作用,调节整个肠道系统的健康。

3. **协同作用,提高效果**:不同的益生菌菌株之间可以产生协同作用,通过相互促进,提高整体的效果。例如,某些菌株可能有助于抑制有害细菌的生长,而其他菌株可能有助于增强肠道屏障功能。


4. **增强免疫力**:益生菌复配可以增强机体的免疫功能。某些菌株可以诱导产生干扰素和促进细胞分裂素,活化免疫细胞,增加免疫球蛋白的产生,从而提高机体免疫力。

5. **改善消化系统功能**:益生菌复配可以促进消化酶的分泌和肠道的蠕动,有助于食物的消化吸收。此外,某些菌株可以分解乳糖,帮助乳糖不耐症人群减轻症状。

6. **调节血清胆固醇水平**:一些益生菌菌株可以降低血中胆固醇的水平,从而有助于预防高血脂、冠状动脉硬化和冠心病等心血管疾病。

7. **改善过敏症状**:对于过敏体质的人群,益生菌复配可以提升免疫功能,帮助识别和排除过敏原,从而改善过敏症状。

8. **减肥辅助作用**:益生菌复配可以通过调节肠道菌群,改善代谢,从而辅助减肥。此外,一些植物提取物与益生菌复配,可以增强减肥效果。

9. **降低抗生素相关性腹泻风险**:在使用抗生素后,肠道菌群可能会失衡,导致腹泻。益生菌复配可以帮助恢复肠道菌群平衡,降低腹泻风险。

10. **针对特定疾病的治疗作用**:研究表明,多菌株科学复配的益生菌在治疗抗生素相关性腹泻、肠易激综合症(IBS)和溃疡性结肠炎等方面更为有效。




1. **润肺止咳**:罗汉果性凉,具有润肺止咳的功效,适用于肺热或肺燥咳嗽、百日咳及暑热伤津口渴等。


2. **清热润肺**:罗汉果可以清热润肺,对于经常咳嗽、痰多的人有很好的缓解作用。


3. **预防咽喉炎**:在气候干燥时,罗汉果泡水可以帮助清热、润肺,预防咽喉肿痛和咽喉炎。

4. **润肠通便**:罗汉果能够润肠通便,对于防治肺热肠燥便秘、头痛目赤等症状有一定的帮助。

5. **降血糖**:罗汉果含有丰富的糖甙,比蔗糖甜300倍,但不产生热量,适合糖尿病和肥胖症患者饮用,可辅助治疗糖尿病和肥胖症。

6. **清热消暑**:罗汉果泡水饮用,可以清热消暑,是夏季上火或暑热难耐时的理想饮料。

7. **保健养生**:罗汉果常作为药食两用材料,有助于养生保健,长期服用可能有助于延年益寿。

8. **提神生津**:罗汉果泡水饮用,可以提神生津,预防呼吸道感染。

9. **辅助治疗多种疾病**:罗汉果对急性气管炎、急性扁桃体炎、咽喉火、急性胃炎等也有一定的疗效。



1. **心灵净化**:海蓝宝石被认为能够净化心灵,帮助人们释放负面情绪,如焦虑、恐惧和愤怒,从而带来内心的平和与宁静。

2. **情绪平衡**:它有助于平衡情绪,提升自信,增强个人魅力。对于那些经常感到情绪波动的人来说,海蓝宝石可以起到稳定情绪的作用。


3. **沟通能力**:海蓝宝石有助于提高沟通能力,使人们能够更清晰地表达自己的想法和感受,同时也能更好地理解他人。

4. **保护与安全**:在历史上,海蓝宝石被认为是航海者的守护石。它能够带来勇气和力量,确保旅途中安全无虞。现代人们也相信它可以保护旅行者远离危险。

5. **增强创造力**:海蓝宝石被认为能够激发创造力和想象力,对于艺术家、作家和创意工作者来说,佩戴海蓝宝石可以提升他们的创作灵感。

6. **治疗与恢复**:一些传统医学认为,海蓝宝石具有治疗作用,可以促进身体恢复,尤其是在治疗与呼吸系统、喉咙和甲状腺有关的疾病时。

7. **直觉与洞察力**:它被认为可以增强直觉和洞察力,帮助人们看到事物的本质,做出更明智的决策。

8. **吸引爱情**:在爱情方面,海蓝宝石被认为可以吸引美好的爱情,增强伴侣间的情感联系。



1. **增强免疫力**:青枣含有丰富的维生素C,一颗青枣中的维生素C含量可以满足人体一天所需的大部分。维生素C有助于增强免疫力,抵抗疾病,并促进伤口愈合。

2. **抗氧化作用**:青枣中含有黄酮类物质和果胶等抗氧化物质,能够抵抗自由基对人体的伤害,延缓衰老过程。


3. **调节酸碱平衡**:青枣中含有大量的有机酸,如苹果酸和柠檬酸,有助于调节人体内的酸碱平衡,促进新陈代谢。

4. **控制血糖和降低胆固醇**:青枣含有丰富的纤维素和膳食纤维,有助于控制血糖水平,降低胆固醇,预防心血管疾病。

5. **补血养血**:青枣中含有的铁元素对缺铁性贫血有很好的治疗作用,同时还能补充钙元素,有助于骨骼健康。

6. **促进消化和排便**:青枣中的膳食纤维有助于消化和排便,促进肠道健康。

7. **抗炎作用**:青枣具有抗炎性,可以缓解消化系统疾病,如胃炎和消化不良等。

8. **护肝养心**:青枣中的维生素C、叶酸和维生素E等成分有助于保护肝脏和心脏,预防肝病和心脏病。

9. **补血安神**:青枣中的维生素B、叶酸和铁等成分有助于补血安神,促进血液循环,预防贫血,并改善睡眠质量。

10. **提高性能力和抗衰老**:青枣中的卵磷脂和维生素E等成分可以增强机体的抗氧化能力,提高活力,改善运动表现,延缓衰老。

11. **祛风止痛**:青枣具有温热性,能够温经止痛,对头痛、腰痛、肩痛等症状有一定的缓解作用。


It took him a long time to react and say, "Congenital deficiency!"

It’s easy for Tibetan gods to advance, but there’s no way because of their inherent lack of strength.
"Our fate has changed since the world of mortals came out!"
When the mirror unwilling said
Yang xiu doesn’t know what to say.
He asked off topic.
"Shi Jing Daoyou, there are three relatives in my family who entered Tibet before me. Can you help me contact them?"
Shi Jing thought for a moment and said, "Wait a minute, I’ll ask!" "
She seemed to ask something and said, "It’s true. Ask, what are their original names?"
"My eldest brother Yang Xiuqing, fourth brother Yang Xiuchun and fifth sister Yang Xiuxia"
"Let me see …"
Didn’t you say everyone had a fake name?
Nonsense. The Tibetan God Sect actually has the ability to lock its real name.
"Boy, these three relatives in your family are so fierce.
They have all carried out the Zongmen Farewell Plan.
Your fourth brother Yang Xiuchun and fifth sister Yang Xiuxia happened to be young and sneaked into other clans without sequelae. It’s lucky.
But what clan has no record? So there is no record. It’s either a left way or a side door. It’s probably respect!
Your eldest brother is later than them, but there is no record of any clan
It will take three years before they can pass the news that they are eligible to visit relatives. "
Yang xiu sighed and had no choice.
"Time Mirror Daoyou, what should I do if I leave my home in the world of mortals?"
"You have two choices. One is to create a false memory that you are going out to work, so you are not at home.
One is to make a puppet as bloody as you and let him take your place.
By the way, your eldest brother, four brothers and five sisters have accumulated enough merits in your family.
Your family is protected in the world of mortals circle. What time will you always have food and clothing worries?
Moreover, there is no longevity, and after 36 times, the life will be automatically restored, and everyone has longevity benefits.
Look at your own choice. I suggest blood puppet instead, so that your family will have another big labor force to serve your parents. "
Yang Xiu thought for a moment and said, "Then I’ll be a blood puppet instead."
"For a while, your own choice is to deduct merits!"
During the chat, she took Yang Xiu to the front
Enter a hall as wide as possible.
In the center of the hall, there is a huge ball of light that emits all the light.
"Concentrate on the outside and put yourself on location.
Connect your location to the Tibetan god’s general nucleus! "
Yang xiu condensed the location to the end of the night, and the thunder appeared again
"Very good. I didn’t expect you to be so majestic on location.
My location is a clock mirror, which I call a time mirror.
This is the only way for us Tibetan gods to unite with the Tibetan gods.
If you want to link up with Heaven, you can link up with God’s General Nucleus on your own location.
This is our secret way to hide the gods, which is unrestricted and unaffected. Tianzongmen has us to do it! "
When the mirror proudly said
Yang Xiu drives his location to connect this light ball slowly.
Connect the instant Yang Xiu to feel that part of his location was eaten by this light ball.
And the light ball is also a part of the transfer, which forms a connection.
Suddenly several gods appeared in my mind.
"The Tibetan God Zongguo completed the external cultivation and promotion, and the gas refining period rewarded the merits. The Tibetan cultivation and promotion rewarded the merits in the foundation period!"
Too Heavy Tactics, Divine Worship Tactics, Sinking Deep Method, Celestial Trace Method and Burial Method
Five practices are in sight. Yang Xiuke is looking for one.
This consumes a little merit.
"Too Heavy Tactics" is a kind of operation method of divine knowledge, which can sneak into his brain and combine with the other person’s divine knowledge to sense all the feelings of the other person.
Even in the later stage of cultivation, you can control each other and turn them into your own puppets.
The strategy of worshipping God is a kind of magical power similar to self-hypnosis magic, by which all the forces of one’s spirit and spirit are integrated.
The secret method of Sinking Deep Method builds an abyss in one’s mind, in which several magic things can be cultivated, and then this magic thing is released to occupy other creatures’ spirits, so as to master several soldiers.
The "Heavenly Trace Method" transforms its own mind into auspicious aura, which stimulates auspicious to cleanse the flesh and sublimate the soul.
Let the flesh thoroughly remould oneself, wash the marrow, be easy to realize the Tao and be holy …
Therefore, the scene can be generated quickly, and it is very likely that the avatar will be transformed.

"What’s the fairy? She seems to be in the third stage of the true realm, which is far less than Qin Xian and Xian? "

"That’s not necessarily because you didn’t see that Yuehua Sword Immortal stopped painting immortals before starting work?"
Another person analyzed, "I guess Yuehua Sword Fairy is still concerned about the ink."
"The four immortals are famous not only because of their beauty, but also because they are the top group of true immortals!"
Listen to the discussion around Xie Ling look calm or else.
Fairy fighting power is really strong, probably in the spring breeze sword and others!
But even so, Xianyun Bamboo has one person to save the day.
Just now, the three true immortals didn’t have any motivation.
And jueying is still looking for opportunities, and it may suddenly and violently hurt people at any time.
Qin Xian Meng Yao hasn’t made moves yet.
If these two start work, the fairy will fail!
"Not the kui is a fairy tale."
In the spring breeze, the sword fairy chuckled with a flick, and the sword spine trembled and contended.
The three true immortals shot again!
This time, the offensive of the three true immortals is even more fierce and will not be retained.
The halo of the fruit blooming behind Yunzhu is getting bigger and bigger!
See Yunzhu holding a jade pen waving quickly in the virtual to write a few ancient characters.
"kill! Extinguish! Crack! Crash! Shock! Broken! Break! "
These seven characters are not this world full of wild and ancient flavor, and every stroke contains mysterious and powerful power!
Seven ancient words scattered towards the three true immortals!
At this time, the shadow shot!
This sword goes straight to Su Mo’s back!
Su Mo’s scalp explodes, and the warning signs flash in his heart.
And Yunzhu also noticed that the movement and eyes here were slightly condensed, and the jade pen in his hand was thrown backhand and hit the shadow sword!
The ghosting figure suddenly stopped and disappeared again.
This skill is empty.
When he reappeared, he had come to Yunzhu’s side and stabbed him with a sword!
Yunzhu crazy urges Daoguo to have a light drink.
This is not a fixation, but a peerless avatar standing still!
The ghosting figure suddenly broke free from the bondage of this supernatural power.
Although it has little influence on him, it is this instantaneous delay that makes Yunzhu seize the opportunity to stretch out the lush jade finger like a sharp nib before striding towards the eyebrows of Jueying!
Fingertips have not touched the shadow yet, and the latter exudes a wisp of blood between the eyebrows!
At this moment, a little confusion rises in Yunzhu’s heart.
The three swords in the movie seem to be a little weaker than before.
If it’s the peak shadow sword, she shouldn’t be hurt.
Yunzhu didn’t know that Jueying was beheaded by Su Mo in a flash in Cangyun Mountain for sixty thousand years in Shou Yuan!
The ghosting power has actually reached its peak.
Just then, the dream Yao Qin rang again.
Yunzhu frowned slightly and felt his eyes tingle, and his arms trembled slightly.
Jueying’s eyes lit up and took the opportunity to shoot!
Shadow interest
Yunzhu quickly retreated or slowed down. He was injured by the shadow sword to the lower abdomen. He was scratched with a wound, dripping with blood and instantly dyed red plain clothes.
Mengyao finally sits on the periphery and seems to stay out of it, but asking her to play the piano will determine the whole situation!
The two sides have just met and Yunzhu has been injured in a few rounds.
Yunzhu, this is a warning to you.

This kind of thing is too common for Sumegan to pay attention to.

But it didn’t take long for him to look a little frowns, stand up and listen carefully.
He seemed to hear a familiar sound during the fight.
After a little hesitation, Su Mo changed direction and ran away toward the southwest battlefield.
A big head was cut with a knife, and blood flowed like a spring.
A seven-pulse building foundation is encouraging spiritual power to control a long and narrow spiritual knife. The four monks fought fiercely together.
There are several bodies lying on the ground, and the blood is still lingering. It’s not long since the fall.
Next to this battlefield, there is a girl who is pretty and smiling in her eyes wearing a pink skirt and veiled, clapping her hands and saying, "Taoist friends are so powerful that another bad guy has died!" "
"Girl, you can rest assured that Ding Hongxuan will protect you!"
Battlefield that one enemy 47 pulse preconditions turned his head and shouted at the pink skirt girl.
"Ding Hongxuan are you crazy!"
A man opposite shouted, "That’s a witch behind you. Don’t be tempted by her and lose yourself!"
"Brother Ding, we must fight. It’s not too late to stop this peerless creature and enjoy it!" Another monk stopped Ding Hongxuan ling Dao and said breathlessly
"Needless to say, she has been completely lost her mind by the witch charm. Don’t hesitate to give me a dead hand!" One of the four older monks sank and said
Hearing these words, the four people are also malicious characters, and they are extremely decisive in killing Ding Hongxuan on the spot!
The elder monk turned around and walked towards the girl in pink skirt, and said with an undisguised lewd smile, "Don’t worry, witch, I will take good care of you when it falls into my hands!"
The girl in pink skirt doesn’t retreat in the delicate and touching eyes, and she turns tender as water, and passes over the faces of four people and says tearfully, "But there is one person in the nu house, and you have four …"
The elder monk looked cold and said, "Then I will kill them all!"
The elder monk was about to turn around and poof his chest when he suddenly revealed a swinging sword tip with blood dripping from it.
In an instant, the color in the elder brother’s face faded, but it was too late to recover in his eyes.
"Brother Liu, you still want to eat alone!"
Behind the elder monk, a young monk holds a sword and his eyes are full of crazy faces. "This woman is mine. Don’t rob me!" "
"Crazy! You are crazy!"
Another monk stared at his eyes and said coldly, "You have ignored the love of a woman! In this case, I will clean the door today! "
When! When! When!
Poof! Poof!
The remaining three monks have lost themselves in a scuffle.
Soon they fell in a pool of blood until they died, but they could not come.
One person left had a nervous breakdown and committed suicide on the spot.
In a blink of an eye, four monks have fallen!
And the pink skirt girl didn’t even move her fingers, and she looked on coldly from beginning to end with a faint mockery in her eyes.
This is the real bloodless blade!
A Buddha’s name comes not far away.
"patroness, your heart is so vicious that sooner or later you will fall into ten levels of hell and suffer the consequences. If you put a butcher knife to convert to my Buddha now, there may be a glimmer of hope!"
Chapter four hundred and thirty-three Life hangs by a thread
Hearing the sound, the girl in pink skirt frowned and looked around.
Not far away, I saw a huge monster beast with a height of tens of feet walking slowly. The face of the tiger and the claws were sharp, and Kyubi no Youko’s eyes were fierce and he smelled of terror and cruelty!
The pink skirt girl veil covers her face and slightly changes color. The lips gently open and spit out two words "Lu Wu!"
Lu Wu pure blood fierce beast looks like a tiger, with fierce temperament and great strength.
Behind Lu Wu, Kyubi no Youko hung a series of bloody bodies, and the blood was filled with terror and infiltration.
Some of them have been dried for a long time, but they still stink.
Some blood is still dripping and falling to the ground.
Kyubi no Youko’s body is decorated with about a thousand people, obviously from different clan forces.
Lu Wu shakes Kyubi no Youko. Thousands of bodies shake in the middle, giving off a strong smell of carrion. It’s disgusting!
The pink skirt girl’s eyes welled up in the depths of a bit of disgust, which passed.
In the ancient battlefield, even pure blood fierce beasts dare not condense Dan’s nature, and it is impossible to spit people out.
Someone else spoke just now!
At the top of Lu Wu’s head sat a figure, bald and barefoot, dressed in a golden robe, and blazing with anger’s face shone brightly.

On the other hand, Li Zhuran, the master of Taikoo Gate, is the only one in this vast and ancient secret hall of other core elders.

Looking dignified and thoughtfully for a long time, the Taikoo Master sank, "Zhuran, do you know what you are doing?"
Li Zhuran’s eyes were silent and decisive, but he seemed to be puzzled by Taikoo’s master and didn’t know what to answer.
The master of Taikoo Gate said, "The situation in the world today is complicated, and many former hidden masters have recently emerged, just like the one who eats his heart and scatters people. He belonged to the master of the late fairy. Although he is famous for his evil ways, he is also threatened by luck. Nowadays, many evil sects have surfaced, which is a great threat to the world, and even worse, the common enemy of the fairy and the devil also has signs of seeing the light of day!"
Li Zhuran was surprised when he heard this. "So the venerable Sir (Zi Hua Xian Zun) didn’t tell me about it?"
The Taikoo Master shook his head and said, "This time, Zihua is bound to join forces to meet the enemy, but he still needs to wait for some time when he is closed. You insist again and again!" In his words, it seems that the Taikoo Master is unwilling to spend too much energy on the separation. Even Li Zhuran’s pleading for identity has hit a wall again and again, but the Taikoo Master’s refusal is more euphemistic.
Speaking of Li Zhuran, he was very excited and anxious. "I am away from lucky chance. Whenever I am in danger, I can feel that this time I am away from home, and the disaster in the missing world is bound to be inextricably linked. If even such an outstanding brother can be guaranteed, it will be like standing in the three realms in the future!"
Li Zhuran left with tears in his eyes, but he had no scruples about the majesty of Taikoo Master.
"Wait a minute!"
The Lord of Taikoo Gate suddenly got up, and his words shocked the whole Taikoo Secret Hall with a bully’s majesty, which made Li Zhuran’s footsteps unconsciously.
Li Zhuran didn’t look back. It seemed that she was disheartened. She repeatedly begged her adoptive father and refused to help her, which made her fall into pain and despair.
As a special envoy of Taigumen and an outstanding brother of Taiyishan, she has encountered many difficulties in practicing today. Even the cultivation of Zihua Xianzun and the cultivation of Zihua Tunri Dafa are all smooth and smooth.
Fate is so wonderful. When a person appears in her eyes, the original fairy road is full of smoke, clouds, worldly glitz and dreams. The fly ash seems to be here and there, and a little love flows in the girl’s heart.
However, Li Zhuran is well aware of her experience in Taikoomen and deeply regrets that Lotus has met her.
She is a strong person and will never take advantage of others’ danger, so she doesn’t want to make it difficult for her to be separated even if she cries alone. It’s just that she is lonely and left to herself by staring silently behind her back.
If the heart is stained with tears?
On the Fairy Congress, Li Zhuran met her last opponent in the fierce contradiction-Lu Li!
Before that, she had taken the initiative to show up at a distance, and how could she know that it was Li Zhuran’s irony and the strong woman’s words to cover up her fragile heart?
The so-called lucky chance first-line meeting between the two is predestined to meet twice and miss each other for three times.
However, this is Li Zhuran’s own mind, and she didn’t show anything in front of the land.
Li Zhuran finally gave up the struggle and chose to fight for the first time.
However, God’s will is unpredictable. Unexpectedly, with her perseverance, Lu Li’s engagement became heated. Finally, Li Zhuran was surprised and defeated by the overbearing magic tactic.
After the first world war, Li Zhuran could clearly feel every danger from the land, and his heart was accompanied by eager thoughts.
Li Zhuran felt something when Lu Li was abducted, but at that time she was seriously injured and went to the root of the body.
Li Zhuran also noticed and asked the door owner for help when he was lurking in the rocky valley, and the result was also unsatisfactory.
Li Zhuran felt uneasy after Lu Li was trapped in the world of Yin and Yang. However, after she met the mysterious elder, she learned that Lu Li was even more gloomy in her heart.
Taiyi Shandi is also very hard to practice metaphysics. In Li Zhuran’s induction, the distance from Shou Yuan has been sharply reduced, which seems to be shorter than what the mysterious elder said at the beginning.
Of course, this is not because the mysterious elder is weak, but it takes a lot of energy to realize every calculation.
Li Zhuran didn’t look back after Taikoo Gate’s master’s mouth. Taikoo Gate was also silent and counted the interest. Finally, he said, "I will give you an answer in three days!"
Li Zhuran was shocked. It was unexpected that the Taikoo Master would personally help him out.
Suddenly looking back, the figure of Taikoo Master has disappeared, but Li Zhuran turned away silently.
Jumping to Wan Li’s foreign land, Mu Qianxuela landed without getting started.
Sleep outside Yin and Yang two gas crazy scurrying about change thick destruction twisted force in the body immediately will be apart from MuQian snow two people sent to the forefront.
The eyebrows wrinkled away and reversed the movement of the heart meridian. The thirty-two layers of true elements were excited step by step, which in turn released power. A force comparable to the master of Xuanzhen realm blocked many foreign particles from colliding outside.
Surrounded by nothing but stars, Guanghua glimmers vaguely in front of their eyes. This kind of sight is no less than the almost eternal darkness when they first arrived in Yin and Yang, which makes people feel a sense of despair.
Trying to look back and still see only a piece of emptiness. After seeing the two people in the sun, they can’t see anything, which makes him have a bad guess.
At this time, Mu Qianxue’s little hand suddenly grasped the land, which alerted the peripheral destructive power to be strengthened.
At the same time, a reverse rotating force is madly sweeping across the two people. At this time, it is extremely dangerous for the two people to be swaying wildly by the rotating and twisting force as if they were at the core of the vortex.
Chapter sixty-one Xuan double evil spirit
The situation is critical, and I can’t consider too much. I quickly grabbed Mu Qianxue’s small hand and pushed the capability to the extreme. At once, it ran away from the real yuan. The whole body rotated with the twisting force, and the powerful destructive power actually protected the two of them.
"Hold on tight and don’t let go-"
Lu Li remembered that this was his last words, and then a burst of dizziness, even Lu Lixiu could not bear it, and his consciousness fell into a blur.
When I woke up again, I felt a blur in my eyes and I couldn’t see the scene clearly.
Once again, I grabbed my hands and looked around with my hands. There was no one left and my heart sank!
The foot of the eye world is like a piece of ice, and you can’t see anything. Outside, it is shrouded in fog, and your sight is greatly blocked.
Let out the idea wave to detect the land, and the mood is slightly improved. The idea wave can still operate normally in this fog, and the frequency is as high as 1,000 times per second. Finally, the trail of Mu Qianxue is found more than a thousand feet away.
Lu Li tried to run Zhenyuan, but it was not affected. Although she was a little afraid of the fog, she did not consider other soul-transforming powers to protect her body and quickly rushed to Mu Qianxue.
The soul-transforming symbol has a strong destructive power and haunts the outside world, but the soul-transforming solution has some similarities.
The mysterious Guanghua in the right eye flashed away and was surprised to find that there were many tiny dark spots in the fog, and its devouring power was quite strong, but it was still inferior to the soul-transforming operator. Fortunately, Lu Li chose the soul-transforming operator to protect the body. If it was upright, it would have been eroded at the moment.
Instantly imagine that Mu Qianxue’s situation is far from the truth. Suddenly, he condensed thousands of miles and leaped in front of Mu Qianxue.
At this time, Lu Li was wrapped in a layer of black mountain, just like a statue of evil spirits hovering at a distance of two feet from Mu Qian Xue.
Outside the shadow, the brilliance of the double swords is dim, and its spiritual strength has been exhausted in that fog. If the defense of the shadow and double swords is broken, Mu Qianxue will be attacked by the fog.
Just as the land is approaching, although the double sword consumes a lot of spiritual power, it still gives a warning. The sword sounds like it is waking up for thousands of snow, and evil ghosts are approaching.
With a wry smile on his face, he did not care about other things. After adjusting the attribute of the real element, Lu Li suddenly took the place of the soul symbol to destroy the breath, and at the same time he shouted "Break!"
Gathering pace and making knots are good at large-scale attacks. At this moment, it is more like riding the wind and waves across the four directions, and the fog will be scattered for a long time!
At this moment, the shadow double sword spirit force is also exhausted, and at the last moment, a crisp sword song falls beside Mu Qianxue.
Just as the fog was scattered by the earthquake, the speed visible to the naked eye was more and more towards the two people.
Taking advantage of this time difference, I picked up Mu Qian’s snow body and jumped into the sky. The sea force was like a raging wave, and I hit a gap in the fog. I just rushed out and fell back to my previous waking up.
Distinguish carefully and find yourself waking up. The color of the foot spar is slightly different in other places. It seems to have been tempered, and there are some differences in the general fog.