
### 营养价值

1. **高蛋白质**:黑豆是优质植物蛋白的来源,每100克黑豆含有约36克的蛋白质,对于补充人体所需的氨基酸尤其有益。

2. **低脂肪**:黑豆含有约16克的脂肪,其中大部分是不饱和脂肪酸,有助于维持心血管健康。

3. **低升糖指数**:黑豆的升糖指数较低,适合糖尿病患者食用。

4. **丰富纤维**:黑豆含有约10克膳食纤维,有助于促进消化和预防便秘。

5. **维生素和矿物质**:黑豆含有丰富的B族维生素、维生素C、维生素E、钙、镁、钾、磷、铁、锌、铜、硒等矿物质。

### 功效与作用


1. **补肾**:中医认为,黑豆味甘、性平、无毒,具有补肾壮阳、补虚黑发之功效,尤其适合肾虚人群食用。

2. **美容养颜**:黑豆中的维生素E和B族维生素含量高,能帮助皮肤保持弹性和光泽,延缓衰老。

3. **抗氧化**:黑豆皮中含有花青素,这是一种强大的抗氧化剂,可以清除体内自由基,减少氧化应激。

4. **预防心脑血管疾病**:黑豆中的不饱和脂肪酸有助于降低胆固醇,预防心脑血管疾病。

5. **预防癌症**:黑豆中含有蛋白酶抑制素,可以抑制多种癌症的发展。

6. **提高免疫力**:黑豆中的植物蛋白有助于提高人体的免疫力。


7. **预防高血压**:黑豆中的钾有助于调节血压,预防高血压。


8. **降低胆固醇**:黑豆中的植物固醇可以抑制人体吸收胆固醇,降低血液中的胆固醇含量。

9. **促进肠胃蠕动**:黑豆中的膳食纤维有助于促进肠胃蠕动,预防便秘。

10. **滋补五脏**:黑豆具有滋补五脏的作用,对于身体虚弱、气血不足的人群有益。



1. **清热解暑**:荷叶具有清暑消热、生津止渴的功效,能够帮助身体抵御夏季的高温,缓解暑热带来的不适。


2. **利尿祛湿**:冬瓜和荷叶都有利尿作用,可以帮助身体排出多余的水分,对于消除水肿、调节身体水分平衡有很好的效果。

3. **生津止渴**:荷叶和冬瓜的配伍可以生津止渴,对于暑热烦渴、口干舌燥等症状有缓解作用。

4. **减肥美容**:荷叶有助于清热解脂,冬瓜则富含纤维,有助于促进肠胃蠕动,两者结合对减肥和美容有很好的效果。

5. **调节血脂血压**:荷叶和冬瓜都有助于降低血压和血脂,对于预防心血管疾病有一定的帮助。

6. **健脾利湿**:对于脾虚湿盛型体质的人来说,荷叶冬瓜汤可以健脾利湿,改善消化功能。


7. **提高肾功能**:荷叶冬瓜汤具有一定的利尿效果,有助于提高肾功能,促进体内废物和多余水分的排出。

8. **调节内分泌**:荷叶具有调节内分泌的作用,对于一些内分泌失调引起的症状可能有所帮助。

9. **增强免疫力**:荷叶中的某些成分有助于增强人体的免疫力,提高身体的抗病能力。


10. **辅助治疗**:荷叶冬瓜汤对于一些病症如肺热咳嗽、口疮、痱子等有一定的辅助治疗作用。



1. 中医中的八珍:
– **人参**:增强体力,补气养血,提高免疫力。
– **鹿茸**:补肾壮阳,强筋骨,抗衰老。
– **燕窝**:滋阴润肺,养颜美容,增强体质。
– **鹿胎**:调经止痛,补气养血,美容养颜。
– **海参与海参**:滋阴补肾,养血润燥,增强免疫力。
– **鲍鱼**:滋阴养颜,增强免疫力,提高消化功能。
– **珍珠**:安神定志,明目养颜,增强免疫力。
– **冬虫夏草**:补肺益肾,增强免疫力,抗疲劳。


2. 古代饮食文化中的八珍:
– 在古代中国,八珍指的是八种珍贵的食材或菜肴,如熊掌、鹿筋、海参、鲍鱼、燕窝、鱼翅、熊掌、糖霜蒸酥等。


– 这些八珍在古代被认为是珍贵的美食,具有很高的营养价值。它们在当时的神奇作用可能体现在以下几个方面:
– 提高身体免疫力。
– 调节身体机能,增强体力。
– 增强消化吸收能力。
– 滋补身体,改善体质。



1. **清热解毒**:甘蔗茅根水能帮助清热解毒,适用于热病、烦渴等症状,有助于清除体内的热毒。

2. **生津止渴**:由于甘蔗本身具有生津止渴的作用,加入白茅根后,这种效果得到加强,适合用于治疗口干舌燥。

3. **利尿**:白茅根具有利尿作用,可以加快尿液生成,有助于排除体内多余水分和毒素,对水肿、小便不利等情况有一定的缓解作用。


4. **止呕**:甘蔗茅根水还可以用于止呕,对某些胃肠道不适引起的呕吐有辅助治疗作用。

5. **化痰**:该饮品有助于化痰,对于咳嗽、痰多等症状有一定的缓解作用。

6. **消积**:荸荠(马蹄)具有消积的作用,有助于消化不良、食积等问题。

7. **凉血止血**:白茅根具有凉血止血的功效,适用于血热引起的出血症状。

8. **清肺胃热**:对于肺热、胃热引起的症状,如咳嗽、口舌生疮等,有一定的缓解作用。


9. **抗病毒**:茅根水能够提高人体的抗病毒能力,有助于预防流感等病毒性疾病。

10. **补充营养**:甘蔗茅根水含有多种营养成分,如糖分、维生素等,有助于补充人体所需。




1. **抗菌机制**:哌拉西林通过抑制细菌细胞壁的合成来发挥杀菌作用。具体来说,它能够抑制细菌细胞壁上的转肽酶,阻止四肽侧链的交联,导致细胞壁结构的破坏,从而使细菌失去维持正常形态和生存能力。

2. **抗菌谱**:哌拉西林是一种广谱抗生素,对多种革兰氏阳性菌和革兰氏阴性菌都有抑制作用。主要包括:
– **革兰氏阳性菌**:如肺炎链球菌、溶血性链球菌、葡萄球菌等。
– **革兰氏阴性菌**:如大肠杆菌、肺炎克雷伯菌、流感嗜血杆菌、淋病奈瑟菌等。


3. **适应症**:哌拉西林常用于治疗以下感染:


– 呼吸系统感染:如肺炎、支气管炎等。
– 泌尿系统感染:如尿路感染、膀胱炎等。
– 皮肤和软组织感染:如蜂窝织炎、脓肿等。
– 肠道感染:如细菌性痢疾等。
– 败血症:当细菌进入血液循环系统时,可能导致败血症。

4. **不良反应**:哌拉西林可能引起一些不良反应,包括:
– 过敏反应:如皮疹、瘙痒、呼吸困难等。


– 消化系统反应:如恶心、呕吐、腹泻等。
– 血液系统反应:如白细胞减少、血小板减少等。

5. **药物相互作用**:哌拉西林与其他药物可能存在相互作用,如与抗凝血药、磺胺类药物等同时使用时,可能增加出血风险。

6. **注意事项**:
– 对于青霉素类抗生素过敏者禁用。
– 肾功能不全者需调整剂量。
– 孕妇和哺乳期妇女在使用哌拉西林前应咨询医生。




1. 行气化湿:香橼具有行气化湿的作用,可以缓解因湿邪引起的胸闷、脘腹胀满、食欲不振等症状。
2. 疏肝解郁:香橼能疏肝解郁,适用于肝气郁结所致的抑郁、情绪低落、乳房胀痛等。
3. 止痛:香橼具有止痛作用,对于胃痛、腹痛等有一定的缓解作用。
4. 抗炎:香橼具有一定的抗炎作用,可用于治疗风湿性关节炎、跌打损伤等。
5. 抗病毒:香橼中的维生素C具有抗病毒作用,可以增强机体免疫力。
6. 抗癌:香橼中的多种活性成分具有抗癌作用,可辅助治疗癌症。

1. 胃痛、腹痛、腹泻等消化系统疾病;
2. 肝郁气滞所致的胸闷、胁痛、抑郁、乳房胀痛等;
3. 风湿性关节炎、跌打损伤等;
4. 疱疹、感冒等病毒性疾病。

1. 香橼性温,体质偏热者应慎用;
2. 孕妇、哺乳期妇女及小孩应避免使用;


3. 服用香橼期间,应避免食用辛辣、油腻食物。


"Who is that peerless master and why don’t you show up?"

Such as Xuan pie pie asks
"This …"
The nangongshan ling look shan shan was speechless.
He doesn’t know who the peerless master is.
Ruxuan turned his head and stared at Su Mo. "Hum, little martial uncle, don’t try to hide this. It must have something to do with you!"
"I know!"
Suddenly, like Xuan, a flash of light flashed in my mind and I exclaimed.
Several people present were startled.
Such as xuan mysteriously to Su Mo side said with certainty "little ShiShu you don’t hide! That peerless master must be you! "
Su Mo "Er …"
After a while, I saw that Ruxuan and the two were still pestering themselves. The look in Su Mo’s heart suddenly became inscrutable. "Well, now that you have discovered my secret, I won’t hide it."
Su Mo gently coughed and said simply, "In fact, it was I who killed the Taoist priest in the Temple of Ghost Fire. By the way, I killed seven Taoist priests who returned to the virtual place and saved you."
I don’t believe Su Mo’s words like Xuan.
Willow smoke-laden’s frowning slightly seems to ponder over every word Su Mo said for a long time.
The Bailian Gate is just ahead.
The attire broke out and a figure came at full speed, and it has already arrived in this spiritual boat in a blink of an eye!
The nangongshan ling three people survived, now see red star gentleman nature is a full face of joy have got up to visit.
But then the three people seemed to think of something and gradually reacted. One by one, they were guilty and hung their heads and dared not speak.
Red Star Dao Jun came with a full face of worry, but when he saw Nangong Ling three people alive and kicking, he didn’t get hurt. He couldn’t help but face a heavy fire and emit three zhangs!
"You three little rabbit pups still don’t let people worry! !”
After a short silence, Red Star Dao Jun roars a mouthful of saliva and the star directly sprays three people with a face.
Su Mo looked at Nangong Ling and shrugged his shoulders. A pair of self-help expressions hurriedly stayed away for fear of being waved.
Chapter nine hundred and twenty-two Who is the young players?
From the outside of the mountain gate to the front of Bailian Hall
The Nangong Ling three people were reprimanded by the Red Star Daojun all the way, and they were sprayed properly, and they all dared not wipe their faces with saliva.
Without the nangongshan ling three people pestering Su Mo beside watching lively happy at leisure.
Red Star Dao Jun naturally asked about the whole story.
Su Mo still somehow prevaricated and said that he had been in the Lingzhou when he woke up.
Red Star Daojun took Su Mo and four people came at the gate of the Bailian Hall to stop reprimanding and take a breath.
"Master, you’re tired, too. We made a mistake. Have a drink."
Such as Xuan will win the favor of Red Star Daojun, and hurriedly gather together in the past, and I don’t know where to make a steaming cup of tea and hand it over.
Red Star Daojun snorted and took a sip of tea and said grumpily, "I’ll teach you a lesson when I’m busy!"
The nangongshan ling three glances know each other this is the past.
The three of them took a long breath and pulled up their sleeves to wipe their faces and saliva.
"It’s good to have nothing to do. A month later, there will be a thousand cranes tea party, and you will have the opportunity to redeem yourself by good deeds." Bai Yan Daojun walked over and said in chin.

Provoked Xuanzang to make the gate hit a star and appear in front of him.

Whoosh ~ ~ ~
A number of stars flew out and a huge stream of information poured into his mind. I’m afraid he would have been burst in the head before, but now it’s just a little uncomfortable
Then several fairy methods appeared in my mind.
The first door is the combination of Yin and Shen, and the one he learned before the completion of the article is a simplification, which means that future generations can successfully learn all the first layers.
Now it’s a complete nine-story building, which can be cultivated all the way to the peak of the fit period.
The second door is the combination of Xuanyin and Shenfa. The immortal method is called the combination of Yin and Shenfa, and it is also nine layers, which can also be cultivated to the peak of the combination period.
The third door is Xuanzang’s command of the intermediate refining method, which can raise the refining degree of Xuanzang to the intermediate level.
This makes Yu Guihai look forward to the fact that the primary refining Xuanzang order already has such a powerful function. So if it is refined to the intermediate level, it will be like a powerful power.
However, this intermediate refining practice cannot be upgraded. Obviously, Yu Guihai has not reached the upgrade conditions now.
"The primary refining method has reached perfection. Why can’t it be upgraded?"
Yu Guihai pondered for a moment when he remembered the order of primary refining Xuanzang. It was when he reached the ninth floor of the deification period that he could suddenly realize something in his heart.
"won’t this intermediate refining wait until the ninth floor of the fitting period?"
The more he thinks about it, the more he thinks about it, and he can’t help but admire it.
This Xuanzang order is too high!
Nine layers can be used for primary refining and chemical combination, and nine layers can be used for intermediate refining. So what level is needed for advanced refining and final perfect refining?
After reasoning, Yu Guihai thinks that Xuanzang’s order is too precious to show easily.
The fourth door is the ultimate alchemy of the nether world. When this alchemy reaches such a level, there is no separate alchemy formula, but it is a general program.
This general program has no specific steps, but has an insight into the quality, refining treasures at will with personal experience. If you learn this general program, you can master all the treasure refining methods contained in it.
In the low-level realm, all kinds of magic weapons are handy, and they can be refined directly according to the precious substances, so there is no need to stick to the prescription of Dan Fang.
What’s left is a few powerful spells, both offensive and defensive, all of which are powerful and tough, which can make him increase his means to the enemy by a big margin.
After Yu Guihai got these immortals, he looked at them and ignored the fact that he raised Xuanzang in his hand to aim at Yunmiao Hall.
During the mating period, the powerful gods frantically urged Xuanzang to make a new change immediately, and a layer of gray brilliance flashed out.
A gray light beam maser instantly fell on the cloud hall and just closed the door.
Rumble ~ ~ ~
The sudden shock of Yunmiao Hall seems to have touched some kind of machine, and the whole stone house vibrates violently for a moment.
Shimen slowly hit this time, and it was no longer a star but an ordinary stone room.
Yu Guihai walked slowly into the stone room, which was small and without any decoration. There was a stone table against the wall, and there were several things on the stone table.
I returned to the sea and looked closely at five different things.
The first one from the left is an ancient bronze book. At first glance, it has an ancient charm, which seems to flow from ancient history.
Yu Guihai picked up this book conveniently, and it was as heavy as a mountain. If he hadn’t been promoted to fit now, it would have been quite hard to pick it up.
Turning to the first page, there are lines of neat golden handwriting, which is an ancient script in the original world. Fortunately, Yu Guihai once studied and knew it.
He read the bronze book from beginning to end, and his face showed an ecstasy.
This bronze book mainly records a message, a simple method and the introduction of four other treasures.
This message lies in the road debris, which is actually the road debris. Every world source is a road.
If the world is divided according to the degree of roads, it can be divided into small world, middle world, big world and spiritual world.
The small world does not have a complete road, and the debris field is very small, which can accommodate the strongest and reach the integration period.

"You this fellow avatar is too difficult" nether world too nai shook his head.

"I’m not afraid of you if I have more people. It will be interesting to see whether you are a ghost or a bodhi old zu."
The Hunger strange laugh at the whole blood fluctuation number of blood god as if it were locusts foaming at the mouth.
"Yamaraja Skynet’s French Open is long and slow, but it doesn’t leak." The nether world’s face remains the same, and a net hangs over it.
The nether world is too instantaneous to retreat, and a new sword crosses the virtual instantaneous and pierces the mesh, almost piercing the nether world.
"Every blood god is that you have a statue of two places at once." The face of Ghost Brake was suddenly gloomy.
"Ha, ha, ha, it’s good for you to know, or bodhi old zu, I’m better at blood."
The Hunger laughed wildly.
"Don’t want to listen to this old stuff. The closer the blood god is to his statue, the stronger his strength will be. The farther he is from his statue, the weaker his strength will be. This blood god has flaws. Otherwise, isn’t this person a natural enemy? Every time a group of strong men embrace each other, which one is their opponent? " Worm god in the side leaked The Hunger among.
"You bitch will find a chance to kill you sooner or later if you talk more, and you will become the bodhi old zu, my blood god." The Hunger scolded the worm god without being angry.
"Too! The ghost Lord has ordered you to see him quickly without delay. "The distant judge’s voice reveals a sense of anxiety."
Chapter 292 Purple red gourd Dacheng
"You’re lucky for this old thing, or I have to let you know that Yamaraja Avenue is terrible today." The nether world glared at The Hunger too much. It is this truth that even at this time, in the face of a sea of blood, The Hunger’s heart has already made a whisper, but it can’t show the enemy’s weakness
"Little boy, your mother hasn’t given birth to you when I was a bodhi old zu!" The Hunger coldly mocked a.
"You …" Listen to The Hunger’s statement that the nether world is too angry to be crowned, but it is often held back by black and white. "It’s important to calm down too much or to summon positions! It’s still important to summon! "
"Hum!" The nether world is too cold to stare at the ghost Lord with a hum. "If anyone lives longer, he will be powerful and profound. What are you fighting for?" Just compare your life span before fighting, and learn from the tortoise king one by one and try to survive. "
"It’s forbidden to say that the turtle prime minister in the Jade Jingshan Mountain is not easy to provoke the Lord. There are many offenses in his words. If he is perceived by the turtle prime minister that he is afraid of a terrible disaster, he will come and the ghost Lord will not save you." Bai Chang was so scared that he quickly covered his mouth.
Black often glared at The Hunger. "Blood monster, what are you proud of? The chaotic reincarnation of the ghost master is your death."
"We’ll see! There may be people who can kill me in the heavens and the earth, but I dare to kill my bodhi old zu. I have never seen one. "The Hunger’s face with a long sword is full of disdain. You dare not start work.
Looking at The Hunger, everyone hates to gnash their teeth, but they have to bear it. No one in the nether world can suppress this old guy except the ghost Lord.
The nether world left its sleeves too much and went to the nether world to meet the ghost Lord who was interwoven with reincarnation.
"Father God", the nether world said too much.
"I called you here today because there are two things I want you to explain." The ghost Lord slowly opened his eyes.
"I wonder what it is?" Yin si tai Dao
"After the first day, the whole nether world is in your charge! I entrust you with the distribution of fate in the nether world. "The ghost said.
As the ghost Lord’s words fell, the judge walked to the front of Mrs. Yin with a tray on one side. "The seal of Tai is here, please check it."
Mrs. Yin lifted the black satin with her hand, but she saw the black jade carving all over her body, haunting the air and showing the shape of a skeleton. The seal revealed in her eyes was really the handle of the Yin Dynasty.
The nether world respectfully received the seal in her arms, "please ask my father to order the second thing."
"The second thing is that you need to get the The six great divisions in the wheel of karma array back to The six great divisions in the wheel of karma array." The ghost master’s words are dignified. "I didn’t expect the god of death to be too difficult. Without The six great divisions in the wheel of karma array, the refining could not be the father’s miscalculation, otherwise it would not be called the demon clan and the protoss army."
"The six great divisions in the wheel of karma array figure in hung-chun’s hands, even the child is not strong enough." The nether world is too reluctant.
"This matter can be found in the Dragon Strong Alliance Jinlian Aole. Now there are countless dragons gathered in the nether world. Tianjiao wants two Long Jun to take back the The six great divisions in the wheel of karma array and the dragon will be revived." The ghost Lord slowly closes his eyes.
"It’s a baby. I’ll do it." The nether world bowed respectfully and turned and excused itself.
Jade Duxiu in the Jade Jingshan Mountain has a flash of hesitation in his eyes with his hands. "The lock demon tower needs to find a chance to be taken back, which is to put it back on the magic protoss. Even the magic protoss are quite confident in the lock demon tower. Now the powerful lock demon tower has reached its limit and it is even inappropriate to continue. After all, the lock demon tower is still a little short of Dacheng."
It is said that the temperature difference is a little flattering to lock the demon tower. This temperature difference is not a packet.
Thinking like this, suddenly, Jade Duxiu’s mind moved and saw a purple gourd slowly emerging in front of his eyes. Seeing this gourd showing a purple-gold face, it was like a diamond, and the stars were exhausted, and the order was carefully arranged, which was quite meteorological.
A purple gas rises from the purple, gold and red gourd, and generate comes out to shine on the chaos outside the world.
"How much cause and effect have I saved? I never thought that purple, gold and red gourds have become big." Looking at the purple, gold and red gourds suspended in front of me, Jade Duxiu gently sighed and pointed to the sharp knife and mans flashing providence like a knife, carving a mysterious rune in the mouth of the gourd.
"This is my cause and effect. It’s a pity that this treasure has to find a way to break it and cut it off before all my causes and effects can be attributed to emptiness." Jade Duxiu sighed gently and her eyes were full of dignity
"hey! What a treasure! "The fox came to the large array with a pair of eyes fixed on the purple, gold and red gourd.
"Huh?" The arrival of the Fox God, Jade Duxiu’s instantaneous vigilance hid the purple-gold-red gourd and quickly stuffed it into the waist. After that, Jade Duxiu rushed to block the fox god and rolled into a ball. At this time, the jade bodhi old zu at the entrance of the main hall stood out and peeped. While the two men were rolling the machine, they suddenly descended and grabbed the purple-gold-red gourd and disappeared.

A read this Qin Changfeng know what you have to do, the eyebrows brahman monty eyes cried the golden lines.

This grain is the second time in the innate blood pool. The war grain activated by the blood refining body is fused with magic eye, which opens up the virtual avatar.
Actually, this avatar is still a crude concept at present, that is, it has some auxiliary abilities in terms of aspects.
For example, the sight of piercing the serpent at the moment shines on the core of life!
Burst ~ ~ ~ ~
A light ring suddenly sounded from Brahma magic eye’s gaze, as if the tissue paper had been torn overnight, and a different virtual crack suddenly emerged.
Compared with this crack, the virtual collapse caused by the sunshine is almost insignificant, and the damage is pitifully small. The key is that … the place where it appears is the origin of the white sun-like light in the arms of the serpent!
The serpent obviously didn’t expect that the sudden shock of his arm lasted less than two seconds, and the white crack mountain quickly subsided like a flood. This terrible move that could have caused heavy damage and killed everyone was forcibly interrupted.
Gu Zhuo roared from the mouth, and the serpent was furious. With a wave of his hand, his arms suddenly moved forward, and the residual white light condensed into a thumb. In general, the coarse-speed laser suddenly shot into the eyes of Brahman Monty, and Qin Changfeng could not escape immediately, so he flew back and screamed at the same time.
This time, it’s really a scream, not an eyebrow, as if to tear and crush the pain inch by inch, directly linking the body and the soul, and being tortured by the year is generally more horrible than the hell illusion.
Not only Brahma magic eye disappeared, but also his own eyes were implicated. It was like several steel needles piercing and opening by that terrible force.
The whole world was dark, and it seemed that he had once again returned to the former serpent. When the sun shone, the eternal imprisonment was followed by arrival, not a piece of sunshine that lit up the whole world, but a beam of white light that seemed to shine from the beginning of the universe.
Tearing the wall from the top of his head and penetrating his eyebrows …
"No …"
Watched Qin Changfeng motionless upward stood there blood gurgling between the eyebrows, what do you think is already belching fart sample Chizuru Kagura this white witch suddenly turned pale unprecedented gaffe screamed.
Immediately, she turned to the serpent and screamed, "His short-term method once again made this move take this opportunity to seal him together!"
Voice down her chest Qing Meng blurred light flashing artifact Zhi mirror automatically floated out from the close-fitting clothes.
Kyo Kusanagi’s eyebrows are as heavy as the scorching sun. When the golden flame burns outside the body, it exudes a sharp sword … The other two artifacts of Tiancong Yunjian are different, which can both be manifested and integrated into the body, and their strength can be directly integrated into the moves.
And Shen ‘an has recovered his mind from the madness after being stimulated by the sunshine. Hey, hey, sneer at it, tear off the ruler Joan’s hook rope on his chest and grasp it directly in his hand …
Never willing to be lonely, other testers also moved.
"Good chance to kill him!"
"Kill him here and we are the new giants!"
"revenge of the second child!"
"You can’t get away with our brothers!"
"Good want to hurt the king unless stepping on our bodies in the past …"
"Pick up the skills inside!"
"Libaishi wine glass!"
"The final battle is the Upanish’ style’!"
Qin Changfeng’s consciousness is trapped in the cage of the nether world, and then he can pay attention to the outside world. He vaguely hears all kinds of fighting and screaming, fighting soul teams, giant teams, Chizuru Kagura …
In fact, he has passed the most dangerous stage and his life is no longer in danger.
Most of the virtual white light condensed by the serpent was borne by Brahma magic eye, which did not cause fatal damage to him
It is Brahma magic eye, but it seems that something has been opened up because of this, which is an inexplicable change
Seeing that the white light like a sword seems to be swallowed up, it gradually sinks into the eyebrows and imprisons him. The black consciousness gradually rings, and the sound of broken lenses is followed by a magic gas that he is more familiar with …
This is the source magic gas that he absorbed when he forged the Brahma Monty Seal!
What is this evil spirit in this should be created by the serpent’s sunny Upanishads?
Is it …
Just when an amazing idea came to Qin Changfeng’s mind, it seemed as if to help him verify the swish of the last white light, and then his soul’s eyes narrowed slightly and a wisp of weak gray light suddenly shot into his eyes, fading all the darkness.
Then he found that his feet landed in a desolate land, and there was no marginal barren land. The vitality was gloomy and the dark clouds were so heavy that people could not breathe. The sky was gray and black, and it was desolate and dead.
Chapter four hundred and thirty-one Goodbye Shi Yao home home.
"Changfeng, you’re finally here."
Suddenly a familiar and unfamiliar sound Qin Changfeng turned slightly …
In front of a stone house, a tall woman with long legs and purple hair came into my eyes.
Looking back is like crossing a thousand years of vicissitudes.
A lavender dress, lavender high heels and crisp breasts exude charm and temptation everywhere.
Now she is smiling, pure and soft, as if waiting at home for her husband to return to her wife …
Shi Yao!’
Qin Changfeng sound can’t help but feel a little excited. Although he knew that Shi Yao’s soul would not disappear after it was received in Moro’s eyes, he didn’t expect to meet each other here.
Shi Yao smiled and opened his arms. For a moment, two souls embraced each other deeply.
"Here is …" Qin Changfeng looked around curiously.