

### 薏米茶的好处:

1. **美容养颜**:薏米茶具有润泽肌肤、美白、祛斑的功效,经常饮用可以改善皮肤状况。

2. **辅助治疗风湿痹痛**:薏米具有舒筋脉、除痹痛的功效,对于风湿痹痛患者有较好的效果。

3. **祛湿**:薏米性凉,可清热利湿,适合夏天暑湿季节饮用。

4. **辅助治疗高血压和高血糖**:薏米能扩张血管和降低血糖,对高血压和高血糖患者有一定的辅助作用。


5. **减肥**:薏米茶低热量,含有丰富的纤维素和维生素B群,有助于促进新陈代谢,帮助消化,减少脂肪积累。

6. **改善消化系统健康**:薏米茶含有丰富的纤维素,能促进肠道蠕动,增加排便次数,缓解便秘。

7. **镇静放松**:薏米茶具有一定的镇静催眠效果,能舒缓紧张情绪,放松身心。

8. **抗氧化**:薏米茶具有抗氧化作用,有助于延缓衰老。

### 薏米茶的注意事项:

1. **适量饮用**:虽然薏米茶有很多好处,但长期过量饮用可能导致腹痛、腹泻等不适。


2. **脾胃虚寒者慎用**:薏米性质微寒,脾胃虚寒的人群应避免过多饮用。

3. **女性特殊时期慎用**:女性在月经期间或怀孕期间应避免食用薏米。

4. **睡前不宜饮用**:薏米茶具有利水作用,睡前饮用可能导致夜尿频繁,影响睡眠。

5. **饮食搭配**:避免在饮用薏米茶时食用寒凉食物,如冰淇淋、绿豆等。

6. **与其他药材搭配**:如与茯苓、芡实等药材搭配,可增强其功效,但需注意不宜与浓茶同食。



1. **药用价值**:
– 根:在《本草纲目》中记载,九里香根具有祛风活络、散癌止痛的功效,可用于治疗风湿骨痛、跌打损伤等。
– 叶:九里香叶具有解毒、止血的作用,可用于治疗创伤出血、毒蛇咬伤等。
– 种子:九里香种子能涩肠、固精,对于腹泻、遗精等症状有一定的疗效。


2. **驱虫防病**:
– 九里香叶片和花朵具有浓郁的辛香味,可以用来驱赶蚊虫,防止蚊虫叮咬,从而减少疾病的传播。

3. **环境美化**:
– 九里香花色洁白,香气浓郁,是优良的观赏植物,适合盆栽,可美化家居环境。

4. **精油提取**:
– 九里香精油的主要成分是石竹烯,约占30%,对肺炎克雷伯氏菌和枯草芽孢杆菌有良好的抑制作用。

5. **医疗用途**:


– 九里香根的50%酒精浸剂可以用作口腔黏膜表皮麻醉剂。
– 将两面针和九里香根的50%酒精浸剂混合,可以减轻局部刺激作用。

6. **钓鱼饵料**:
– 在钓鱼饵料中加入少许九里香,可以吸引鱼儿,提高钓鱼效果。

7. **泡酒**:
– 九里香用来泡酒,可以更好地发挥其行气止痛、活血散瘀的功效,既可内服,也可外用。

8. **日常保健**:


– 九里香香气宜人,有助于缓解疲劳、改善心情。



1. **清热解毒**:蒲公英具有显著的清热解毒功效,对于体内热毒引起的各种症状,如口舌生疮、皮肤炎症等,有很好的缓解作用。

2. **护肝利胆**:蒲公英能帮助清除肝脏内的毒素,对预防酒精肝损伤、调节肝功能有积极作用。


3. **利尿消肿**:蒲公英有很好的利尿作用,可以帮助调节体内的水循环,排出多余的水湿,适合水肿或上火的人群饮用。

4. **消痈散结**:蒲公英能消痈散结,对于乳腺炎、乳腺增生等有良好的治疗和缓解作用,尤其对产后乳汁不通的女性有帮助。

5. **美容养颜**:蒲公英中含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪及多种微量元素,可以改善肤质,减少皮炎和湿疹等皮肤问题,还有助于淡化色斑,增加皮肤弹性。

6. **抗菌消炎**:蒲公英具有抗菌消炎的作用,对上呼吸道感染、扁桃体炎等有较好的疗效。

7. **缓解眼部不适**:蒲公英有助于缓解眼部不适和疼痛,对于视力保护也有积极作用。

8. **调节体内水循环**:蒲公英泡水饮用,有助于调节体内水循环,减轻体重,适合减肥人群。

9. **缓解眼部不适**:常饮蒲公英水,有助于改善视力,预防视力下降。

10. **预防癌症**:蒲公英泡水饮用,可以抑制癌细胞生成,清除体内毒素,提高身体免疫力,有良好的抗癌防癌作用。


– 过量饮用可能导致肠胃不适、恶心呕吐和腹泻。


– 过敏体质的人可能会出现过敏反应,如荨麻疹、瘙痒等。


– 脾胃虚弱的人不宜饮用,以免加重肠胃负担。



1. **利尿消肿**:黄花菜根能够促进机体新陈代谢,帮助排尿,适用于治疗小便不利、水肿、浮肿等症状。

2. **凉血止血**:黄花菜根性寒,具有凉血作用,可用于辅助治疗衄血、呕血、便血等出血症状。

3. **通乳**:对于哺乳期妇女,食用黄花菜根有利于促进乳汁分泌,有助于治疗乳痈。


4. **治疗黄疸**:黄花菜根有助于治疗黄疸。

5. **清热解毒**:黄花菜根可以清热解毒,对于热毒引起的症状有一定的缓解作用。

6. **改善血液循环**:黄花菜根有助于活血化瘀,对于体内淤血有一定的改善作用。

7. **治疗腰痛、耳鸣**:黄花菜根可用于治疗腰痛、耳鸣等症状。

8. **治疗乳汁分泌不足**:对于乳汁分泌不足的情况,黄花菜根具有一定的调理作用。

9. **改善大脑功能**:黄花菜根含有丰富的卵磷脂,有助于提高注意力,加强大脑功能,防止脑动脉阻塞。

10. **调治乳汁不下**:对于产后乳汁不下的情况,黄花菜根有调治作用。


11. **降低血压**:黄花菜根可以降低血清胆固醇的含量,有助于降血压。

12. **防治失眠**:黄花菜有安神的作用,有助于防治失眠。



1. **调节血糖与血脂**:石榴叶中含有丰富的铬,有助于改善糖尿病患者的葡萄糖耐量,降低血糖和血脂,增强胰岛素的敏感性。

2. **抗菌作用**:石榴皮中含有多种生物碱,对金黄色葡萄球菌、溶血性链球菌、痢疾杆菌等有明显的抑制作用,具有抗菌效果。

3. **软化血管**:石榴叶能软化血管、降血脂和血糖,降低胆固醇,对心血管健康有益。


4. **抗氧化作用**:石榴中含有大量的单宁等多酚类天然抗氧化剂,能够清除体内有害的自由基,减缓自由基引发的机体衰老。

5. **改善消化功能**:石榴籽具有促消化的作用,有助于改善消化功能。

6. **补充营养成分**:石榴富含维生素C、B族维生素、有机酸、糖类、蛋白质、脂肪以及钙、磷、钾等矿物质,能够补充人体所需的微量元素和营养成分,提高免疫力。

7. **缓解疲劳**:石榴叶具有耐缺氧,迅速解除疲劳的效果。

8. **女性保健**:石榴中的雌激素成分有助于改善女性生理功能,如缓解更年期障碍,调理生理不顺等。

9. **美容养颜**:石榴中的抗氧化成分有助于延缓衰老,保持肌肤年轻。

10. **辅助治疗**:石榴汁含有多种氨基酸和微量元素,有助消炎、消化、抗胃溃疡、软化血管、降血脂和血糖,降低胆固醇等多种功能。



1. **养胃补血**:紫薯小米粥中的小米具有养胃的作用,可以缓解胃部不适,而紫薯则有助于补血,适合身体虚弱的人群。

2. **促进消化**:小米和紫薯都含有丰富的膳食纤维,可以促进肠胃蠕动,有助于消化,改善便秘问题。


3. **补充营养**:紫薯富含维生素和矿物质,如维生素A、维生素C和钾等,小米则含有多种氨基酸和维生素,两者结合能够为人体提供全面的营养。

4. **美容养颜**:紫薯中的花青素具有抗氧化的作用,可以清除体内自由基,延缓衰老,对皮肤有一定的美容效果。

5. **增强免疫力**:紫薯和小米中的营养素能够增强人体免疫力,提高抗病能力。

6. **预防疾病**:紫薯中的花青素还具有抗癌作用,能够抑制癌细胞的生长。小米中的氨基酸和矿物质对预防流产、抗菌和预防女性阴道炎等也有帮助。

7. **润肠通便**:紫薯小米粥中的膳食纤维能够促进肠道蠕动,有助于毒素和垃圾的排出,减少胃肠道疾病的发生。

8. **增加饱腹感**:紫薯小米粥中的碳水化合物和膳食纤维能增加饱腹感,适合需要控制体重的人群。


Li Zhichang said faintly, "As far as you Xiaocong can feel my subtle mentality change, I won’t do anything today. I’m going to kill Li Shimin. Will you help me?"

Kou Zhong and Xu Ling suddenly took a breath in a gasp. Kou Zhong patted his thigh and said, "Help nature is to help."
Xu Ling’s awkward words only have a wry smile. Li Shimin, the king of Qin, and Kou Zhong have both seen him, but today Li Zhichang is the most handsome weather man. Now his ambition is self-evident, which also surprises him. Li Zhichang has no scruples about showing his ambition. It is a faint warning that Li Zhichang is very good to them. He knows that Kou Zhong is not the kind of person who is willing to give up. It is really a headache to think that Li Zhichang will be the enemy sooner or later in the future.
Wang Bo, who knows the world, is very proud today. He called the heroes’ meeting. Not only did he invite Song Valves, Dugu Valves and Li Valves, but even the masters beyond the Great Wall bought his face. What’s worse, he was almost flattered that Li Zhichang would personally come to give him a show when he was about to have a decisive battle with Zhu Yuyan, the empress dowager.
It’s just normal, but the day after tomorrow is the decisive battle day between Li Zhichang and Yin Xia. Li Zhichang didn’t close his breath, but accepted his invitation to come in person, which naturally made him feel proud, but it seemed that he had forgotten something.
He was surprised when he got the’ Luoyang Scholar’ and begged the state to inform him that Tiele Feiying Quao had arrived. It turned out that Li Zhichang and Quao had a deep hatred for him, so bringing them here might cause conflicts, and the day after tomorrow, Li Zhichang would have to face such a strong enemy in the underworld. It is not a good thing to play against Quao now.
Gao Peng takes a seat, Li Zhichang is wearing a disguise, Kou Zhong and Xu Lingcai are late, and Wang Bo is sighing a little.
Qu Ao Yang said, "Li Zhichang, if you want to write your name backwards today."
Li Zhichang didn’t even look into Qu Ao’s side. It was plain and faint. He replied, "Oh, I know." He casually made all the guests laugh. Qu Ao is famous in the grassland, second only to Bi Xuan, but here are all Zhongyuan people or his grassland rivals. His strength is not the strongest. Even if he loses his temper, it will not help.
Qu Ao said, "The first entertainment program of B-brother’s gathering today is to let Li Zhichang and I do or die."
Li Zhichang said, "Qu Ao, do you want to fight with me? Why don’t you fight with my little brother first? I don’t mind playing with you if you can beat him."
Kou Zhong unveiled the human skin mask and laughed. "Qu Ao, you came after your uncle Kou all the way, and your son is also your uncle Kou who killed the wrongs. Let’s end it today."
Qu Ao knows that Kou Zhong is fierce, but it is a dream to beat him. However, what does Kou Zhong have to rely on? This can’t help but make Qu Ao hesitate. However, if he doesn’t dare to fight, he will lose his face. Qu Ao can’t advance and retreat proudly. "If you can walk through 30 strokes in my hand, I will give up."
Kou Zhong took out a well and casually said, "If I can’t beat you with ten strokes, even if I lose, you will take my life if you want to."
Even Ning Dodge and Bi Xuan couldn’t talk big in person. What on earth did Kou Zhong rely on to dare to go out of the sea like this?
Qu Ao couldn’t help wondering if Kou Zhong had lost his mind. He came after the two men all the way. Although the two men’s martial arts taught him to be scared in a day, they also had to join hands before they could be enemies. Did they make any breakthrough this day and night?
Qu ao laughed wildly. "What a small hand!"
Qu Ao is a renowned grandmaster in the grassland. He wants to play against Kou Zhong. After all, it is of great benefit to witness such a master’s moves.
Kou Zhong’s mind entered a wonderful and unpredictable state, and the momentum kept rising as if it were endless.
Qu Ao saw that Kou Zhong’s momentum seemed to climb endlessly, and his heart was a little horrified. He thought that if he let the other side accumulate the momentum to the highest peak, he would really lose. If Qu Ao had not played Bixuan yet, he would keep the enemy mentality in his heart, but Kou Zhong would condense the momentum to the highest point, but at the moment he dared not gamble.
And after seeing Kou Zhong, Li Zhichang Qu Ao suddenly realized something, as if somehow Kou Zhong had become the incarnation of Li Zhichang. The two seemed to have an unspeakable connection and Qu Ao was in it to find some clues.
Immortality tactic to learn from heaven and earth, when it comes to nature, is to refine the spirit, and to refine the spirit, and to achieve the goal. Every achievement method is completely different. Kou Zhong’s realm is high, and Li Zhichang has reached the level of "dharma for all things". Kou Zhong is naturally also beneficial to all things. Both of them have the deepest and purest door Xuangong. At the same time, in the sun’s true fire, the essence of heaven and earth draws Kou Zhong, and naturally he borrows Li Zhichang’s momentum. His own strength is not proud. But at this time, the state is just like Taoism inviting the body of
This mystery can only be felt by Li Zhichang, Kou Zhong, Xu Ling and Qu Ao, and this method can’t be used by anyone unless they can reach the extremely deep transcendental realm of Taoism and the strong and weak are separated at the same time, so that they can make a move to invite the gods.
Qu Ao did not dare to go on like this by Kou Zhong. He tilted from the ground to more than ten paces away, wielding a knife and swinging a knife, sweeping away an army and attacking young opponents.
In fact, Qu Ao can be said to be facing Li Zhichang at the moment. Although he doesn’t understand the truth, he still knows what mysterious practice Li Zhichang has done to help Kou Zhong.
He has lost the spirit of the enemy in his prime.
He wants to give full play to the "nine changes" and cooperate with Tianyi Sewing "Eagle Change Thirteen Style" to try his best to climb new heights.
Chapter 32 Stabbing Qin
While Qu Ao was moving, Kou Zhong didn’t move, but Li Zhichang stepped on the node of Qu Ao Ning’s true nine changes of qi. Every human qi movement will have a change node with the change of the exciting force of the acupoints. This node is very subtle but real.
Li Zhichang deliberately stepped on the ground and made a vibrato sound as if hitting the node of Qu Ao’s true qi change, which actually had little effect on him, but caused a serious blow to his confidence. If he hadn’t expected his true qi change, there would have been such a coincidence. At this point, in fact, there was no flaw in pushing. The only flaw would be whether the opponent could find out his details and figure out a way to make it.
Kou Zhong also moved the moon in the well, and the immortal light showed his true self. Until now, Kou Zhong and Li Zhichang were separated from each other by God, but Qu Ao gave Li Zhichang a glimpse of the true qi change. In fact, Kou Zhong’s psychology had long since changed from strong to weak, and it was the time when his’ Eagle Change Thirteen Style’ was about to climb the strongest. Not only Li Zhichang could grasp the change of his true qi, but Kou Zhong could also grasp the change of Qu Ao’s recruitment. This is also the spiritual realm of Li Zhichang, which greatly helped KouZhong to grasp the wonderful feeling of being mysterious and subtle.
It’s impossible to see the true qi changes and moves changes of Qu Ao, a martial arts master. It happened that the two of them did it again, which made Qu Ao horrified and forced him to make moves. If he knew that this was the case, he would never play. In fact, even if Qu Ao lost to Li Zhichang, it wouldn’t be too far away, but Kou Zhong still missed him by a long way. Unfortunately, Qu Ao’s skill is still there since he lost to Bi Xuan, but the realm has already deteriorated to the point where the master is so-called easy to defend. He was defeated by Bi Xuan, as if he fell from the sky, and now it is
Qu Ao flew over Kou Zhong’s head and simplified his right hand to Kou Zhong’s skull.
There seems to be nothing surprising about this catch, but the strong and sharp potential makes people afraid to touch it hard. The most frightening thing is that it contains five kinds of real strength from all fingers, such as suction, stabbing, unloading, sealing and cutting, which are unpredictable and difficult to defend.
Kou Zhong’s mind is focused on the outside, which is manifested by the soaring light of the yellow mountain in the well. It seems that it will overshadow the lanterns in the hall. A Zen idea of’ people walking on the bridge without flowing water’ rises from Kou Zhong’s heart, and the water is still. Then the bridge is moving and the proud is moving, and Kou Zhong is moving.
After grasping the change of Qu Ao’s move, Kou Zhong deeply realized the opposite and unified truth of’ relative motion and static motion’. Static is relative to motion, but without motion, there is no static place. Everything must abide by the iron law of motion.
Kou Zhong has never felt that the movement of everything in heaven and earth is so moving. If he didn’t enter the’ God Mixed Flow’ with the help of Li Zhichang and feel the high degree of uncertainty in Li Zhichang, he might never feel the wonderful movement. At this time, the excitement brought by the struggle for heaven is not as moving as at this moment.
At the same time, Li Zhichang was shocked. Does Li Zhichang want to ignore the identity field? Li Zhichang’s moving direction is not Qu Ao and Kou Zhong in the field, but the direction of Qin Wang Li Shimin?
At this time, a pale blue gown teacher of the law stopped in front of Li Zhichang. Her name was Qinchuan and Shifeixuan. Shifeixuan said lightly, "What does Brother Li want to do?"
Li Zhichang walked past Shifeixuan with a Gherardini expression, but he couldn’t stop him. At this time, Xu Lingnai’s hands printed and hit him harder than the mystery. He was far from Shifeixuan, but this time, Li Zhi’s ever-changing Beidou seal was unusual. Even if Shifeixuan had worked hard since he met Li Zhichang, he didn’t feel a little surprised when he faced Xu Lingda’s seal. All prayers are to Beidou, that is to say, people’s lives have been in Beidou’s hands since the day of reincarnation. The highest day Beidou seal originated from Beidou and was dead at the first hand, and Shifei Xuan had to deal with it carefully.
While Xu Ling blocked Shifeixuan, Li Zhichang smiled and pulled out the famous Chang Jian. Li Shimin had a feeling of isolation between heaven and earth. His newly recruited young master, Wei Chijingde, waved the whip of returning to Tibet and attacked Li Zhichang like a dragon.
Li Zhichang gently breathed a sigh of relief, and the whip of returning to Tibet staggered. Even though Li Zhichang was taller than Wei Chijingde, no one thought that Li Zhichang blew away Wei Chijingde’s moves with one breath. Li Zhichang walked towards Li Shimin step by step, and every step seemed to drive Manqing Courtyard. In Li Shimin’s eyes, Li Zhichang and Manqing Courtyard had become a whole, as if they were in every corner of the hall, and he had become an unnecessary object to be stripped from this world.
It’s not white that he wants to break his head. Li Zhichang wants to kill him. He wants to kill him here in full view. Shi Feixuan is entangled in Xu Ling. At this moment, Shi Feixuan is difficult to rescue him. He is already in a state of isolation, even though his hands are still a little heavy.
Li Zhichang is not afraid of ShiFeiXuan to stop him. Now ShiFeiXuan has almost reached the realm of sword-mind communication. He is the only opponent in the hall who is qualified to challenge him. Even if Li Zhichang didn’t kill Li Shimin today, he would be tempted to try again against ShiFeiXuan. Although Xu Ling is strong, he can also resist ShiFeiXuan for a moment. Li Zhichang will kill Li Shimin with two people at this moment. Li Zhichang will unify the day. It is natural that Xu Ling and Kou Zhong will meet three big targets in the future. Masters don’t have to be hands-on. In fact, Li Zhichang mainly wants to accept Kou Zhong’s theory of mind, understanding or means. Kou Zhong is his great help. Kou Zhong and Xu Ling are too good. Li Zhichang can’t play favorites. Today, let Xu Lingxian and Ci Hang Jing Zhai take precautions.
Thoughts in my heart have turned thousands of times, but the sword in Li Zhichang’s hand seems as far as near, as if it were nine days of cold months and a long river. There are both vast momentum and twists and turns, and Li Shimin didn’t know that the sword was going to fall and it was necessary to expose it. The pressure has made him unbearable.
Chapter 33 retreat
A knife, a bloody knife. This is the method of using saber to kill people. Everyone can amaze a master in his life. If you want him to concentrate, there will always be a pen.
Just as ordinary poets can make words that amaze great poets once they are inspired, just as later generations of Li Bai can suddenly sigh,’ You can’t write a poem by Cui Hao when you see Cui Hao’s Yellow Crane Tower’.
However, although this knife is an attack on the enemy, it is a refined knife with military strategy, vision and wrist strength, but the owner of the knife didn’t pray that this knife could hurt Li Zhichang

"We’ve been practicing all day. Let’s hurry back or the monkey will eat all the ginseng fruits."

See Gao Cai change pig quit face happy mouth criticise said
"One day?"
Hearing the teacher’s words, Gao Cai’s face was stunned. He didn’t expect that it would take so long, but he couldn’t help worrying. The monkey could really eat all the ginseng fruits.
"You this little you practice that is not the top avatar one day is short, if it weren’t for me to help you from the side, I’m afraid I wouldn’t have done it in ten days and a half months."
Looking at Gao Cai, a face of anxious regret, the pig ring stretched out his hand and patted Gao Cai, and he couldn’t help but criticise him.
"Let’s go!"
Laughing and scolding the pig for quitting the big sleeve will involve Gao Cai in the sleeve and quickly return to Wuzhuangguan.
"Where have you been? If you don’t come back, the ginseng fruit will be broken. "
As soon as the pig ring landed, the monkey asked and handed the two ginseng fruits to the pig ring.
"You be careful. There are many things about this ginseng fruit. Pay attention to you and your apprentice. Hurry up and save big sleep."
Pass the ginseng fruit to the pig and the monkey carefully said
"Monkey, I know this better than you do."
Pig quit laughing and swallowed the ginseng fruit and gave another ginseng fruit to Gao Cai at the same time.
Looking at the ginseng fruit in your hand like a baby, your eyes shine. If you eat this fruit, you can increase your life span by tens of thousands of years and increase your mana by tens of thousands of years. Not to mention the tens of thousands of years of life, its mana alone is enough to make Gao Cai feel excited. This saves you the time and energy of continuously breathing out the aura of heaven and earth and transforming mana for ten thousand years.
"You are killing yourself."
Just as Gao Cai was preparing this fruit with excitement, the pig ring sounded.
I didn’t look until I heard the pitch of the pig ring. I stopped immediately and waited for the master’s text.
"This ginseng fruit can increase your life span by tens of thousands of years, and it can also increase your mana for ten thousand years. However, although your body is tough, your mind is just the vast mana of Yin Shen Xiu, which will break your Yin Shen and enable you to specialize in the body method."
"Then I should be like this ginseng fruit?"
Hearing the pig’s words, Gao Cai’s face couldn’t help but collapse. Looking at the fruit in front of him, he suddenly felt a kind of embrace of Jinshan and had to sigh with emotion and ask sourly.
"Smelly superfine product since give you want to ginseng fruit will make you can’t! This ginseng fruit can’t be swallowed by your strength method, but the teacher can put this ginseng fruit into your dantian and let the ginseng fruit slowly release its medicine. When you achieve Yuanshen in the future, you can refine the ginseng fruit department. "
Feeling the look and expression of a talented person, the pig smiled and said the method.
"Ask the master to cast spells"
Gao Cai looked excited and bowed down and said
"Hey, what’s the hurry? Come now."
Pig quit, hey, but smile, let Gao Cai out with a shake of the sleeve, and then the ginseng fruit suddenly melted into Gao Cai’s belly and precipitated in the abdomen, sending out a series of rich and pure mana towards the body and Yin God, nourishing the body and keeping the body strong energy and fighting capacity at all times.
Feeling the ginseng fruit in the abdomen is slightly funny. This ginseng fruit makes Gao Cai’s abdomen like a little baby.
"Hey, your apprentice seems to have made some progress again?"
Aside the monkey face slightly move looking at high just slightly surprised to say
"Hey, don’t look who the apprentice is."
Hear sun Wu pig quit a face proudly said
"You show off in an ostentatious manner. Listen to this for your apprentice. What is the land here? There should be a fine soil guard for your apprentice."
Glanced at the pig quit smug monkey left the pie mouth despise way
Then throw a small group of yellow-brown soil to Gao Cai, who took the monkey and threw it over. Gao Cai was slightly stunned and immediately rejoiced. This soil essence should be the soil essence of ginseng and fruit trees. With this soil essence, you can change another one in the Qing Ming Aquarius into a hexagram.
It took a lot of water from the water to infuse it into a huge swamp with water and soil. It took a lot of effort to thoroughly sacrifice the Qingming Aquarius. Thought of this, Gao Cai respectfully said to the monkey and the sand monk, and then he slowly entered the pig ring sleeve to sacrifice the Qingming Aquarius.
Chapter one hundred and thirty Shushan brother
I don’t know how long it took me to practice before I was thrown out of my sleeve by the pig ring
"Gao Cai, now get out of here quickly, you won’t be able to come if you are late."
As soon as Gao Cai came out of his sleeve, he saw Pig quit looking anxious and fidgety.
"Master, what happened? Make you so anxious? "

After a little hesitation, she knelt down and bowed down to budo Zun.

Wu Daozun seemed to feel something. Suddenly he stretched out his arm and lifted the jade princess up without waiting for her to bow down. He shook his head and said, "Jade princess, you and I don’t have to do this."
Both of them come from the wild and have long been old friends.
More Kuang Yufei had saved his life.
This move is normal for Wu Daozun.
But in the eyes of other hell creatures, it is somewhat meaningful.
What does it mean to have that beautiful woman beside Wu Daozun when the powerful creatures of the Great Hell outside Tanquan City gather here to bow down to the capital of the prison owner of Bitter Spring?
The hierarchical class division in the underworld
Unless you are the closest person, you are not qualified to stand side by side with the Lord of hell.
Moreover, Wu Daozun’s just calling has made many strong people more convinced of their speculation.
"Prison princess um …"
It shouldn’t be wrong for the prison master of Bitter Spring to nod secretly.
Where did this group of hell creatures know that Wudao Zun was called Jade Princess instead of Prison Princess?
In the eyes of the vast majority of hell creatures, Wu Daozun, who is now holding the ghost treasure, is the new Lord of hell!
Because the Lord of hell can control the treasure of the underworld.
The Ghost Treasure was once the first weapon in the underworld!
Before the end of the French era, there was also a hell Lord who could restrain it
The ghost treasure is the symbol of the Lord of hell.
Nowadays, someone is coming to the hell world with a treasure trove of ghosts. In the hearts of many hell creatures, this nature is the only choice for the Lord of hell!
Of course, there are still some doubts in the hearts of some hell-strong people who are unwilling to admit it.
Wu Daozun, after all, comes from the Middle Thousand Worlds and belongs to a different race.
He has no pure blood of the ghost family, and he is not even a creature in hell.
Such a man wants to be the Lord of hell and rule the nine hells?
These thoughts flashed through the minds of some hell-strong people, who dared not show their dissatisfaction without moving their eyes.
The altar has said two words since arrival.
Then nine prison owners have died!
This one is even scarier than the one who once lived in hell!
There is only one bitter spring left in the eye. The prison owner is kneeling on the altar and begging for help.
Who dares to resist other hell creatures?
The fall of the prison master and the emergence of the ghost treasure mirror have taken root, and no one can shake the status of martial arts!
"You get up."
Wu Daozun’s eyes rested on the main body of Kuquan prison and said simply
He didn’t intend to kill them all when he came.
If there is any way out of hell, I’m afraid it’s only clear to the prison owners.
The owner of Kuquan Prison was overjoyed and quickly kowtowed, "Thank you for not killing the old man. You will be loyal to your master in this life. If you violate this oath, you will die a violent death!"
The owner of Kuquan Prison made a decisive and direct oath.
When he saw Wu Daozun’s war and determination, he was afraid that he would make Wu Daozun suspicious before he made this heavy oath to reassure Wu Daozun.
After taking the oath, the prison master of Bitter Spring looked at the Jade Princess next to him and bowed down again, saying "visit the mistress" respectfully.
"Uh …"
Jade princess white cheeks with a blush eyes some confusion consciousness motioning with his hand to defend.
Next to Wu Daozun, he was worried that Violet didn’t let them continue to greet each other. He directly asked, "What can I do to return to the middle world, master of Bitter Spring?"

Wu Niang heard this and thought, "If he is really willing to teach me these things, I will study hard, and one day I will be able to get rid of this thief’s control if my magic is beyond his control." She immediately said, "Of course I will learn!"

Jiao Fei thoughtfully gave Wuniang the dragon formula of Taizhen Qiuqi Zhuqi Zhuqi Zhuqi. He knew Wuniang could never make this Taoist method in a short period of time, and specially made dozens of magic spells to change Taizhen Qiuqi Zhuqi Zhuqi Zhuqi Dragon Boat Parts to let Wuniang ponder slowly.
Five Niang, of course, I don’t know Jiao Fei’s mind. This man actually doesn’t prevent himself from being happy and learning these spells.
Jiao Fei nudged a few words to see Wu Niang, who didn’t seem to have any talent for learning, so she left her alone to study magic. She wanted to go out and visit Chen Taizhen. His side only had a few Guanghua flashes at Fang Ding’s mouth in the bedroom, and Jiao Fei was curious and drove away. This time, he didn’t really learn to change the dragon boat from seven to seven. After all, the power of this multiplier’s recent sacrifice was not so good. Instead, she sealed the six-yang Shenzhou into a six-yang Shenzhou, broke through the ban of the mountains and rivers, and came to an alien in the domain.
I don’t know how many Tianhe brothers are riding Tianhe Star Shuttle and fighting a group of monsters of unknown origin. These monsters can come and go freely in the stars without any magic. Those Tianhe brothers either cast spells or use other magic tools in Tianhe Star Shuttle or simply kill the enemy with Tianhe Star Shuttle and fight those monsters of unknown origin.
When I saw Jiao Fei coming out, a group of demons descended on Jiao Fei. Seeing such a good thing, I didn’t even use other instruments to make the six-yang seal the gods and urge the six-color strange light. A large number of demons were swallowed up. His six-yang seal the gods and lost a lot of energy in the fight with Grandma Tai Xuan. It is very gratifying to have these unknown demons to fill Jiao Fei.
Chapter VII Five Million Demons
These demons have a strong soul, and they are more than 100 times stronger than ordinary people, which is equivalent to the repair of the door.
However, these repairs are like a mirror. If you ask for a six-yang seal, you will be thrown into the ghost ring, and immediately you will be polluted by the magic spell. When you come out, you can’t remember anything, and it has become the source of this demon’s mana.
Those brothers in Tianhe Star Dojo are quite resistant to these Tianhe sent people. After Xu Qing and Jiao Fei’s two means, everyone became more afraid and unwilling to get close. Therefore, Jiao Fei only entered the battlefield, and soon he was surrounded by people who suffered from these unknown demons. Although these demons were not powerful, they were numerous. This time, Tianhe Star was afraid that there were millions.
Jiao Fei Rao is frank, but after seven ten o’clock, he is slightly soft and dark. "How can these demons be so weird that they are not afraid of life and death?" And so crazy? More than a ghost in a ghost prison? "
He shipped the black water true pupil and came in the direction of these demons. Hundreds of thousands of miles away from Tianhe Star, another star gave off a rare light in silvery white. I didn’t know that Jiao Fei had shipped enough black water true pupil at the moment. When I looked around, I saw that there were several demons flying up in the star, and the whole star was faintly caged with a layer of light smoke. It can also make people see this layer of seemingly light smoke hundreds of thousands of miles away, and I don’t know how many demons it is.
"Yes, Master Guo Zu was also worried that he didn’t hone this Tianhe Star Dojo, so he chose to have such a companion star Tianhe Star to take root. It seems that in dozens or hundreds of years, if there are enough brothers in Tianhe Star Dojo, Master Guo will exert great magic to bring these demons to me so that brother Tianhe Star Dojo can hone and grow into a useful person."
Jiao Fei guessed in his heart that before he knew it, all these demons had crossed the Tianhe Brother’s defense and flew to Tianhe Star. Jiao Fei was quite strange that these brothers didn’t try hard to pursue them, but when they saw these demons flying near Tianhe Star, they seemed to be forced to fall by something, and they screamed and screamed. It was expected that none of them would come alive.
"So that’s it. These demons are just refining gas and condensing evil spirits. They are bound by the earth outside the domain. Naturally, they can be moved freely. But when they get close to Tianhe Star, it’s a pity that if all these demons are sacrificed and refined to the six Yang deities, how powerful it would be."
The younger brother of Tianhe Star Dojo is not as relaxed as Jiao Fei. It’s just an exercise ordered by his master. No one will resist it head-on. It’s never dangerous to kill some scattered demons. Anyway, these demons will be swallowed up by Tianhe Star’s gravity when they get close to Tianhe Star. Jiao Fei didn’t know these tricks just now, but those younger brothers of Tianhe Star Dojo were secretly watching Jiao Fei’s jokes. They had a few bad hearts and wanted to wait for Jiao Fei to be killed by demons. This bite was suppressed by Tianhe Paidi.
But how did they expect Jiao Fei, a fierce man, to release a six-color flying boat? It’s like being in the middle of a wave without retreating, and I don’t know how many demons have been killed. Jiao Fei’s face was calm and tight, as if he had done an urgent thing. Obviously, he hasn’t done his best to kill him just now.
"Tianhe sent this bearer is not too much. Brother Pangwei is better than the door …"
Those Tianhe Star Dojo brothers talked about Jiaofei in private, but they didn’t care if they had enough black water to look at the rare star for a long time before they received the light and returned to the mountain and river tripod.
"Ghost Yang Huan only has twenty-four prohibitions, and then there will be more ghosts and spirits, and they will be born to refine the first floor of the gas. But if I accept millions of demons and ghosts, I’m afraid it’s really enough to refine the six Yang deities to the extreme. Although the six Yuan gods can’t find it, it’s also poor to be able to refine the gas to the extreme … it’s good to refine the materials, but just now I didn’t see clearly how these demons fell and died in the Tianhe Star. It seems that there is an invisible magic power.
Jiao Fei pressed the light to escape, but Liao was square. When he accosted a female brother of Tianhe Star Dojo, Jiao Fei Fang Liao couldn’t help blushing and bowed his hand at him. Then he talked to the female brother again. Jiao Fei eavesdropped on a sentence or two and shook his head. Fang Liao showed that this female brother seemed to be a certain Ding Ling, and people looked down on the other Liao, or they were fighting back unhappiness.
"Brother Fang Liao is married, so let him trick the girl into getting a little duck rack."
Jiao Fei is not good to disturb Fang Liao. When he was falling into his bedroom, he saw a real brother of Tianhe Star Dojo waiting outside his bedroom. The Taoist Jiao Fei also bowed his hand and casually said, "Master Guo Lao wants to see you. Come with me!" I heard that Guo Zushi was sent to summon Jiao Fei, who dared not neglect and left with this true brother.
My brother here at Tianhe Star Dojo doesn’t seem to have hidden the habit of practicing. He is as smart as a pillar. I think he wants to be such a Taoist school in Tianhe Star, so he will make public Jiao Fei. I can see that this man’s mana is about Dan Cheng’s seven kinds of spells he has learned, and he is not aware of the fact that Tianhe Sect wants to become a reality. I don’t know how much hard it takes, so none of them are undeserving. Everyone can get three methods and four tactics.
However, many brothers in Tianhe Star Dojo are clever and skillful, and some of them are good at refining their mind. It is just that the lack of refining their mind leads to the failure of their future practice when they are successful.
This kind of true brother often can’t learn the three methods and four tactics, and the body tactics are complicated. Even Jiao Fei can’t see the number of ways. I think the Tianhe Sword Sect has gathered for many years and the tactics are much worse than the three methods and four tactics of the door.
This man took Jiao Fei and went to a palace in the middle of the mountain and river tripod. This palace is a ritual instrument, which has been refined to thirty-six times and has great power.
As soon as Jiao Fei entered the palace, there was a burst of bells ringing. The Taoist priest said, "The bodhi old zu is calling you to write it quickly." From the end, the Taoist priest never reported his name in follow focus and Jiao Fei said half a sentence of gossip. Obviously, it is also a heart that is not angry.
Jiao Fei adjusted his clothes and walked all the way into the palace. When he followed Zhong Qing’s guidance in a hall as bright as day, he saw a young Taoist sitting beside him. Two women, one of whom was also a famous crown, were tall and tall, and the other looked like Wu Niang. She smiled calmly and lowered her eyebrows as if she were very gentle.
Jiao Fei didn’t dare to look at the busy, fell to the ground and shouted, "My brother Jiao Fei will meet the founder of Guo Lao."