

1. 行气化湿:香橼具有行气化湿的作用,可以缓解因湿邪引起的胸闷、脘腹胀满、食欲不振等症状。
2. 疏肝解郁:香橼能疏肝解郁,适用于肝气郁结所致的抑郁、情绪低落、乳房胀痛等。
3. 止痛:香橼具有止痛作用,对于胃痛、腹痛等有一定的缓解作用。
4. 抗炎:香橼具有一定的抗炎作用,可用于治疗风湿性关节炎、跌打损伤等。
5. 抗病毒:香橼中的维生素C具有抗病毒作用,可以增强机体免疫力。
6. 抗癌:香橼中的多种活性成分具有抗癌作用,可辅助治疗癌症。

1. 胃痛、腹痛、腹泻等消化系统疾病;
2. 肝郁气滞所致的胸闷、胁痛、抑郁、乳房胀痛等;
3. 风湿性关节炎、跌打损伤等;
4. 疱疹、感冒等病毒性疾病。

1. 香橼性温,体质偏热者应慎用;
2. 孕妇、哺乳期妇女及小孩应避免使用;


3. 服用香橼期间,应避免食用辛辣、油腻食物。



### 益处:

1. **调节血糖**:低聚肽能够促进胰岛素分泌,有助于调节血糖水平,对糖尿病患者有益。

2. **降血脂**:低聚肽可以抑制胆固醇的升高,对降低血脂有积极作用。


3. **降血压**:通过抑制血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)的活性,低聚肽有助于降低血压。

4. **增强免疫力**:低聚肽能刺激淋巴细胞增殖,增强巨噬细胞的吞噬功能,提高机体对外界病毒的抵抗能力。

5. **抗氧化**:低聚肽具有抗氧化作用,能清除自由基,减少氧化应激,有助于延缓衰老。

6. **促进消化吸收**:低聚肽分子量小,易被人体吸收,有助于营养的吸收。

7. **抗疲劳**:低聚肽能促进蛋白质合成,有助于肌肉恢复,缓解疲劳。

8. **抗微生物**:低聚肽能增强免疫功能,对抗微生物入侵。

9. **延缓衰老**:通过促进消化和毒素排出,低聚肽有助于延缓衰老过程。

### 影响:

1. **安全性**:低聚肽一般被认为是安全的,但过量摄入可能导致不良反应,如消化不良、腹泻等。

2. **个体差异**:不同个体对低聚肽的反应可能不同,某些人可能对其效果更敏感。

3. **与其他药物相互作用**:低聚肽可能与某些药物相互作用,例如降血压药或胰岛素,因此在使用前应咨询医生。

4. **长期效果**:长期使用低聚肽的效果和安全性需要进一步的研究和评估。



1. **清热燥湿**:黄连粉具有显著的清热燥湿作用,常用于治疗湿热引起的各种病症,如湿热痞满、呕吐、泻痢等。

2. **泻火解毒**:黄连粉对于心火亢盛、心烦意乱、高热神昏等症状有很好的治疗效果。它能够泻火解毒,对于一些热毒病证有显著疗效。


3. **抗炎镇痛**:黄连粉具有抗炎镇痛作用,对于牙周炎、牙痛、口腔溃疡等炎症性疾病有一定的治疗作用。


4. **抑菌作用**:黄连粉对多种病菌有抑制作用,如金葡萄球菌、痢疾杆菌、大肠杆菌等,因此,对于一些感染性疾病有一定的治疗效果。

5. **保护胃粘膜**:黄连粉可以抑制胃酸分泌,对于胃溃疡、胃炎等胃部疾病有一定的保护作用。

6. **治疗皮肤病**:黄连粉外用可以治疗湿疹、湿疮等皮肤病,以及耳道流脓等症状。


7. **治疗消化系统疾病**:黄连粉可以用于治疗消化性溃疡、幽门螺旋菌感染性慢性胃炎等消化系统疾病。

8. **调节血脂**:黄连素片作为黄连的有效成分之一,可以辅助治疗高脂血症,降低胆固醇和三酰甘油。

9. **治疗心血管疾病**:黄连素片具有抗心律失常、降低血压、改善心肌收缩率等作用,对于心血管疾病有一定的治疗作用。

10. **改善心肌收缩率**:黄连粉对于充血性心力衰竭有一定的治疗作用,能够改善心肌收缩率。



1. **增强免疫力**:青枣含有丰富的维生素C,一颗青枣中的维生素C含量可以满足人体一天所需的大部分。维生素C有助于增强免疫力,抵抗疾病,并促进伤口愈合。

2. **抗氧化作用**:青枣中含有黄酮类物质和果胶等抗氧化物质,能够抵抗自由基对人体的伤害,延缓衰老过程。


3. **调节酸碱平衡**:青枣中含有大量的有机酸,如苹果酸和柠檬酸,有助于调节人体内的酸碱平衡,促进新陈代谢。

4. **控制血糖和降低胆固醇**:青枣含有丰富的纤维素和膳食纤维,有助于控制血糖水平,降低胆固醇,预防心血管疾病。

5. **补血养血**:青枣中含有的铁元素对缺铁性贫血有很好的治疗作用,同时还能补充钙元素,有助于骨骼健康。

6. **促进消化和排便**:青枣中的膳食纤维有助于消化和排便,促进肠道健康。

7. **抗炎作用**:青枣具有抗炎性,可以缓解消化系统疾病,如胃炎和消化不良等。

8. **护肝养心**:青枣中的维生素C、叶酸和维生素E等成分有助于保护肝脏和心脏,预防肝病和心脏病。

9. **补血安神**:青枣中的维生素B、叶酸和铁等成分有助于补血安神,促进血液循环,预防贫血,并改善睡眠质量。

10. **提高性能力和抗衰老**:青枣中的卵磷脂和维生素E等成分可以增强机体的抗氧化能力,提高活力,改善运动表现,延缓衰老。

11. **祛风止痛**:青枣具有温热性,能够温经止痛,对头痛、腰痛、肩痛等症状有一定的缓解作用。


Li Zhichang said faintly, "As far as you Xiaocong can feel my subtle mentality change, I won’t do anything today. I’m going to kill Li Shimin. Will you help me?"

Kou Zhong and Xu Ling suddenly took a breath in a gasp. Kou Zhong patted his thigh and said, "Help nature is to help."
Xu Ling’s awkward words only have a wry smile. Li Shimin, the king of Qin, and Kou Zhong have both seen him, but today Li Zhichang is the most handsome weather man. Now his ambition is self-evident, which also surprises him. Li Zhichang has no scruples about showing his ambition. It is a faint warning that Li Zhichang is very good to them. He knows that Kou Zhong is not the kind of person who is willing to give up. It is really a headache to think that Li Zhichang will be the enemy sooner or later in the future.
Wang Bo, who knows the world, is very proud today. He called the heroes’ meeting. Not only did he invite Song Valves, Dugu Valves and Li Valves, but even the masters beyond the Great Wall bought his face. What’s worse, he was almost flattered that Li Zhichang would personally come to give him a show when he was about to have a decisive battle with Zhu Yuyan, the empress dowager.
It’s just normal, but the day after tomorrow is the decisive battle day between Li Zhichang and Yin Xia. Li Zhichang didn’t close his breath, but accepted his invitation to come in person, which naturally made him feel proud, but it seemed that he had forgotten something.
He was surprised when he got the’ Luoyang Scholar’ and begged the state to inform him that Tiele Feiying Quao had arrived. It turned out that Li Zhichang and Quao had a deep hatred for him, so bringing them here might cause conflicts, and the day after tomorrow, Li Zhichang would have to face such a strong enemy in the underworld. It is not a good thing to play against Quao now.
Gao Peng takes a seat, Li Zhichang is wearing a disguise, Kou Zhong and Xu Lingcai are late, and Wang Bo is sighing a little.
Qu Ao Yang said, "Li Zhichang, if you want to write your name backwards today."
Li Zhichang didn’t even look into Qu Ao’s side. It was plain and faint. He replied, "Oh, I know." He casually made all the guests laugh. Qu Ao is famous in the grassland, second only to Bi Xuan, but here are all Zhongyuan people or his grassland rivals. His strength is not the strongest. Even if he loses his temper, it will not help.
Qu Ao said, "The first entertainment program of B-brother’s gathering today is to let Li Zhichang and I do or die."
Li Zhichang said, "Qu Ao, do you want to fight with me? Why don’t you fight with my little brother first? I don’t mind playing with you if you can beat him."
Kou Zhong unveiled the human skin mask and laughed. "Qu Ao, you came after your uncle Kou all the way, and your son is also your uncle Kou who killed the wrongs. Let’s end it today."
Qu Ao knows that Kou Zhong is fierce, but it is a dream to beat him. However, what does Kou Zhong have to rely on? This can’t help but make Qu Ao hesitate. However, if he doesn’t dare to fight, he will lose his face. Qu Ao can’t advance and retreat proudly. "If you can walk through 30 strokes in my hand, I will give up."
Kou Zhong took out a well and casually said, "If I can’t beat you with ten strokes, even if I lose, you will take my life if you want to."
Even Ning Dodge and Bi Xuan couldn’t talk big in person. What on earth did Kou Zhong rely on to dare to go out of the sea like this?
Qu Ao couldn’t help wondering if Kou Zhong had lost his mind. He came after the two men all the way. Although the two men’s martial arts taught him to be scared in a day, they also had to join hands before they could be enemies. Did they make any breakthrough this day and night?
Qu ao laughed wildly. "What a small hand!"
Qu Ao is a renowned grandmaster in the grassland. He wants to play against Kou Zhong. After all, it is of great benefit to witness such a master’s moves.
Kou Zhong’s mind entered a wonderful and unpredictable state, and the momentum kept rising as if it were endless.
Qu Ao saw that Kou Zhong’s momentum seemed to climb endlessly, and his heart was a little horrified. He thought that if he let the other side accumulate the momentum to the highest peak, he would really lose. If Qu Ao had not played Bixuan yet, he would keep the enemy mentality in his heart, but Kou Zhong would condense the momentum to the highest point, but at the moment he dared not gamble.
And after seeing Kou Zhong, Li Zhichang Qu Ao suddenly realized something, as if somehow Kou Zhong had become the incarnation of Li Zhichang. The two seemed to have an unspeakable connection and Qu Ao was in it to find some clues.
Immortality tactic to learn from heaven and earth, when it comes to nature, is to refine the spirit, and to refine the spirit, and to achieve the goal. Every achievement method is completely different. Kou Zhong’s realm is high, and Li Zhichang has reached the level of "dharma for all things". Kou Zhong is naturally also beneficial to all things. Both of them have the deepest and purest door Xuangong. At the same time, in the sun’s true fire, the essence of heaven and earth draws Kou Zhong, and naturally he borrows Li Zhichang’s momentum. His own strength is not proud. But at this time, the state is just like Taoism inviting the body of
This mystery can only be felt by Li Zhichang, Kou Zhong, Xu Ling and Qu Ao, and this method can’t be used by anyone unless they can reach the extremely deep transcendental realm of Taoism and the strong and weak are separated at the same time, so that they can make a move to invite the gods.
Qu Ao did not dare to go on like this by Kou Zhong. He tilted from the ground to more than ten paces away, wielding a knife and swinging a knife, sweeping away an army and attacking young opponents.
In fact, Qu Ao can be said to be facing Li Zhichang at the moment. Although he doesn’t understand the truth, he still knows what mysterious practice Li Zhichang has done to help Kou Zhong.
He has lost the spirit of the enemy in his prime.
He wants to give full play to the "nine changes" and cooperate with Tianyi Sewing "Eagle Change Thirteen Style" to try his best to climb new heights.
Chapter 32 Stabbing Qin
While Qu Ao was moving, Kou Zhong didn’t move, but Li Zhichang stepped on the node of Qu Ao Ning’s true nine changes of qi. Every human qi movement will have a change node with the change of the exciting force of the acupoints. This node is very subtle but real.
Li Zhichang deliberately stepped on the ground and made a vibrato sound as if hitting the node of Qu Ao’s true qi change, which actually had little effect on him, but caused a serious blow to his confidence. If he hadn’t expected his true qi change, there would have been such a coincidence. At this point, in fact, there was no flaw in pushing. The only flaw would be whether the opponent could find out his details and figure out a way to make it.
Kou Zhong also moved the moon in the well, and the immortal light showed his true self. Until now, Kou Zhong and Li Zhichang were separated from each other by God, but Qu Ao gave Li Zhichang a glimpse of the true qi change. In fact, Kou Zhong’s psychology had long since changed from strong to weak, and it was the time when his’ Eagle Change Thirteen Style’ was about to climb the strongest. Not only Li Zhichang could grasp the change of his true qi, but Kou Zhong could also grasp the change of Qu Ao’s recruitment. This is also the spiritual realm of Li Zhichang, which greatly helped KouZhong to grasp the wonderful feeling of being mysterious and subtle.
It’s impossible to see the true qi changes and moves changes of Qu Ao, a martial arts master. It happened that the two of them did it again, which made Qu Ao horrified and forced him to make moves. If he knew that this was the case, he would never play. In fact, even if Qu Ao lost to Li Zhichang, it wouldn’t be too far away, but Kou Zhong still missed him by a long way. Unfortunately, Qu Ao’s skill is still there since he lost to Bi Xuan, but the realm has already deteriorated to the point where the master is so-called easy to defend. He was defeated by Bi Xuan, as if he fell from the sky, and now it is
Qu Ao flew over Kou Zhong’s head and simplified his right hand to Kou Zhong’s skull.
There seems to be nothing surprising about this catch, but the strong and sharp potential makes people afraid to touch it hard. The most frightening thing is that it contains five kinds of real strength from all fingers, such as suction, stabbing, unloading, sealing and cutting, which are unpredictable and difficult to defend.
Kou Zhong’s mind is focused on the outside, which is manifested by the soaring light of the yellow mountain in the well. It seems that it will overshadow the lanterns in the hall. A Zen idea of’ people walking on the bridge without flowing water’ rises from Kou Zhong’s heart, and the water is still. Then the bridge is moving and the proud is moving, and Kou Zhong is moving.
After grasping the change of Qu Ao’s move, Kou Zhong deeply realized the opposite and unified truth of’ relative motion and static motion’. Static is relative to motion, but without motion, there is no static place. Everything must abide by the iron law of motion.
Kou Zhong has never felt that the movement of everything in heaven and earth is so moving. If he didn’t enter the’ God Mixed Flow’ with the help of Li Zhichang and feel the high degree of uncertainty in Li Zhichang, he might never feel the wonderful movement. At this time, the excitement brought by the struggle for heaven is not as moving as at this moment.
At the same time, Li Zhichang was shocked. Does Li Zhichang want to ignore the identity field? Li Zhichang’s moving direction is not Qu Ao and Kou Zhong in the field, but the direction of Qin Wang Li Shimin?
At this time, a pale blue gown teacher of the law stopped in front of Li Zhichang. Her name was Qinchuan and Shifeixuan. Shifeixuan said lightly, "What does Brother Li want to do?"
Li Zhichang walked past Shifeixuan with a Gherardini expression, but he couldn’t stop him. At this time, Xu Lingnai’s hands printed and hit him harder than the mystery. He was far from Shifeixuan, but this time, Li Zhi’s ever-changing Beidou seal was unusual. Even if Shifeixuan had worked hard since he met Li Zhichang, he didn’t feel a little surprised when he faced Xu Lingda’s seal. All prayers are to Beidou, that is to say, people’s lives have been in Beidou’s hands since the day of reincarnation. The highest day Beidou seal originated from Beidou and was dead at the first hand, and Shifei Xuan had to deal with it carefully.
While Xu Ling blocked Shifeixuan, Li Zhichang smiled and pulled out the famous Chang Jian. Li Shimin had a feeling of isolation between heaven and earth. His newly recruited young master, Wei Chijingde, waved the whip of returning to Tibet and attacked Li Zhichang like a dragon.
Li Zhichang gently breathed a sigh of relief, and the whip of returning to Tibet staggered. Even though Li Zhichang was taller than Wei Chijingde, no one thought that Li Zhichang blew away Wei Chijingde’s moves with one breath. Li Zhichang walked towards Li Shimin step by step, and every step seemed to drive Manqing Courtyard. In Li Shimin’s eyes, Li Zhichang and Manqing Courtyard had become a whole, as if they were in every corner of the hall, and he had become an unnecessary object to be stripped from this world.
It’s not white that he wants to break his head. Li Zhichang wants to kill him. He wants to kill him here in full view. Shi Feixuan is entangled in Xu Ling. At this moment, Shi Feixuan is difficult to rescue him. He is already in a state of isolation, even though his hands are still a little heavy.
Li Zhichang is not afraid of ShiFeiXuan to stop him. Now ShiFeiXuan has almost reached the realm of sword-mind communication. He is the only opponent in the hall who is qualified to challenge him. Even if Li Zhichang didn’t kill Li Shimin today, he would be tempted to try again against ShiFeiXuan. Although Xu Ling is strong, he can also resist ShiFeiXuan for a moment. Li Zhichang will kill Li Shimin with two people at this moment. Li Zhichang will unify the day. It is natural that Xu Ling and Kou Zhong will meet three big targets in the future. Masters don’t have to be hands-on. In fact, Li Zhichang mainly wants to accept Kou Zhong’s theory of mind, understanding or means. Kou Zhong is his great help. Kou Zhong and Xu Ling are too good. Li Zhichang can’t play favorites. Today, let Xu Lingxian and Ci Hang Jing Zhai take precautions.
Thoughts in my heart have turned thousands of times, but the sword in Li Zhichang’s hand seems as far as near, as if it were nine days of cold months and a long river. There are both vast momentum and twists and turns, and Li Shimin didn’t know that the sword was going to fall and it was necessary to expose it. The pressure has made him unbearable.
Chapter 33 retreat
A knife, a bloody knife. This is the method of using saber to kill people. Everyone can amaze a master in his life. If you want him to concentrate, there will always be a pen.
Just as ordinary poets can make words that amaze great poets once they are inspired, just as later generations of Li Bai can suddenly sigh,’ You can’t write a poem by Cui Hao when you see Cui Hao’s Yellow Crane Tower’.
However, although this knife is an attack on the enemy, it is a refined knife with military strategy, vision and wrist strength, but the owner of the knife didn’t pray that this knife could hurt Li Zhichang

They dragged Xiang Xuan Hao hard to the back door.

"Mom, you are going to do this! !” Xiang Xuan Hao shouted back, but his mother reacted
After dozens of seconds, I heard the noise. Three children entered the room. The eldest daughter looked at Xiangmu and asked, "Grandma … Where’s Dad?"
"Your father is going on a business trip, and grandma and mom will take care of you after a long time, okay?"
"No, I want my father!" The child burst into tears when he saw the house in a mess.
Six military vehicles at the main entrance of the 111th Division of the Party and Government Self-Defense Forces stagnated.
After the soldiers came out to salute, they asked, "Which unit are you?"
"My name is Shen Fei, the general logistics department of the army." Shen Fei said with a straight face when he was sitting in the car and handed in his certificate. "Ma called your teachers’ office and said that the general logistics department has the latest battle and I want to see him."
After verifying a certificate, the soldier replied, "Wait a minute."
Five minutes later, the gate allowed six cars to enter the hospital.
Sac with more than 20 people quickly into the hq main building.
After a while, teacher Tan Bing walked into the reception room and said with a smile, "Oh, long time no see, Chief Shen."
Although Shen Fei’s level is very low, it is after all by Shen Wanzhou’s royal people. Tan Bing is very polite.
Shen Fei got up and took out a piece of paper, sealed by the General Logistics Department of the Army, and called for an order "Tan teachers, the General Logistics Department of the Army has the latest assignment for you, so you can come with us."
Tan Bing meng b "I didn’t receive the guard army command? !”
"This is a great leap forward. You can ask your party secretary Liu," Shen Fei replied flatly.
Tan Bing was even more puzzled when he heard this, because Liu’s secret roots could not be managed by the guards. He thought about it and replied, "I’d better ask Zhan Junchang."
"You can call the party and government headquarters, but you can’t unite with the Self-Defense Forces." Shen Fei said without doubt
"That won’t do. I’m a self-defense military division and I have to ask for instructions." Tan Bing had a presentiment that something was wrong and his attitude became tough.
Xiang Zhai’s backyard has been placed under house arrest, and Xiang Xuan Hao’s heart rises with a sense of sadness. He never imagined that his father would do things in the name of a family reunion, and he never thought that the other party would arrest him without even talking about it.
No matter how clever people are, who can prevent their relatives?
Xiang Xuan Hao is sitting in a chair and his brain is running rapidly.
Chapter 259 Slaughter
Changji 111 Shi reception room
Shen Fei looked at Tan Bing and said concisely, "Mr. Tan, I repeat, you can’t call the guard layer."
"I’m a party and government guard teacher, not your army general logistics department." Tan Bing would be foolish if he didn’t understand the situation at the moment. He threw a sentence and turned to leave.
"Wait a minute!"
Shen Fei took out a mobile phone and dialed the video directly.
Tan binghuitou
"Let me show you." Shen Fei handed over his mobile phone.

"Much better" Feng Ji helped him pour a little white wine "drink less"

"Are you in such a hurry to find me?" Feng Yunian asked while eating with chopsticks.
Feng Ji pushed the glass in the past and said softly, "There may be personnel changes in Songjiang recently."
"What changes?" Feng Yunian asked
"The general logistics department of the army decided to promote you as the deputy mayor of Songjiang to the city council" Feng Ji replied lightly.
Feng Yunian leng along while "promoted me to vice mayor? What do you mean, you want my police chief? "
"No" Feng Ji shook his head. "You are the deputy mayor and the director of Songjiang police station, and you may be in charge of politics and law in the future."
Feng Yunian heard him say that, and his heart became more understanding. "What does this mean? I was madly suppressed before, and now I suddenly have such a high intention? "
"I asked my master, but he didn’t talk to me deeply … if you are asked to do it, you should do more and talk less." Feng Ji looked at him and replied.
Feng Yunian frowned. "This period of World War II has been subjected to layer crush. Suddenly, I come. How do I feel that this is not quite right …? !”
"There must be political meaning," Feng Ji gently woke up, "but when the order comes, you have to go on."
"Does the World War II Regional Command know about this?" Feng Yunian asked
"I didn’t know it before, but it must be clear now." Feng Jihui
District 9 World War II Command
Commander Zhou is looking at the scenery outside with his back in the window.
"Commander estimates that Feng Yunian’s promotion news will arrive in Songjiang the next day." The staff next to him said softly, "… in my opinion, this thing is a bit abnormal."
Commander Zhou replied in a low voice, "Don’t look at Feng’s reaction."
"Well" staff nodded.
Commander Zhou inexplicably sighed, "I’m too tired to panic. Cancel the meeting."
More than six o’clock in the evening
In a small bar in Yanbei District, Qiao Xiaoxiao stretched out his hand and stopped Lin Nianlei. "You drink slowly and no one will rob you."
"Don’t worry" Lin Nianlei with the wave.
"Are you really sure that Qin Yu killed Jiujiang instead of working?" Qiao Xiaoxiao asked softly
"She has a lot of factors." Lin Nianlei held her forehead and replied with alcohol on her face. "I have heard a lot of rumors in Chuanfu … but I always don’t believe that Xiao … Xiaoyu can have other ideas … I believe that Thaksin is engraved in the bone. Are you white … Xiao?"
"I am white" Joe nodded a little.
"I’m confused …" Lin Nianlei looked at the strange faces in the bar and said with dull eyes. "I want to prove to my family that I made the right choice for the rest of my life … but ironically, the rest of my life may be over before."
"You don’t want to think so much," said Joe with a small frown. "Qin Yu didn’t talk to you again. You guessed it right here. Isn’t it more uncomfortable? You have to let him find you and explain what he really thinks … We really can’t be stupid, but you can’t judge a person arbitrarily! "
The words sound just fell and Lin Nianlei’s mobile phone suddenly rang.
Chapter 11 A bustling city
Lin Nianlei picked up the phone and saw that it was Qin Yu calling and just pressed the hang up button.
"Did he fight?" Qiao Xiaoxiao immediately asked
"Yes" Lin Nianlei held her forehead and looked at the mobile phone screen in wait for a while and nodded.

It took him a long time to react and say, "Congenital deficiency!"

It’s easy for Tibetan gods to advance, but there’s no way because of their inherent lack of strength.
"Our fate has changed since the world of mortals came out!"
When the mirror unwilling said
Yang xiu doesn’t know what to say.
He asked off topic.
"Shi Jing Daoyou, there are three relatives in my family who entered Tibet before me. Can you help me contact them?"
Shi Jing thought for a moment and said, "Wait a minute, I’ll ask!" "
She seemed to ask something and said, "It’s true. Ask, what are their original names?"
"My eldest brother Yang Xiuqing, fourth brother Yang Xiuchun and fifth sister Yang Xiuxia"
"Let me see …"
Didn’t you say everyone had a fake name?
Nonsense. The Tibetan God Sect actually has the ability to lock its real name.
"Boy, these three relatives in your family are so fierce.
They have all carried out the Zongmen Farewell Plan.
Your fourth brother Yang Xiuchun and fifth sister Yang Xiuxia happened to be young and sneaked into other clans without sequelae. It’s lucky.
But what clan has no record? So there is no record. It’s either a left way or a side door. It’s probably respect!
Your eldest brother is later than them, but there is no record of any clan
It will take three years before they can pass the news that they are eligible to visit relatives. "
Yang xiu sighed and had no choice.
"Time Mirror Daoyou, what should I do if I leave my home in the world of mortals?"
"You have two choices. One is to create a false memory that you are going out to work, so you are not at home.
One is to make a puppet as bloody as you and let him take your place.
By the way, your eldest brother, four brothers and five sisters have accumulated enough merits in your family.
Your family is protected in the world of mortals circle. What time will you always have food and clothing worries?
Moreover, there is no longevity, and after 36 times, the life will be automatically restored, and everyone has longevity benefits.
Look at your own choice. I suggest blood puppet instead, so that your family will have another big labor force to serve your parents. "
Yang Xiu thought for a moment and said, "Then I’ll be a blood puppet instead."
"For a while, your own choice is to deduct merits!"
During the chat, she took Yang Xiu to the front
Enter a hall as wide as possible.
In the center of the hall, there is a huge ball of light that emits all the light.
"Concentrate on the outside and put yourself on location.
Connect your location to the Tibetan god’s general nucleus! "
Yang xiu condensed the location to the end of the night, and the thunder appeared again
"Very good. I didn’t expect you to be so majestic on location.
My location is a clock mirror, which I call a time mirror.
This is the only way for us Tibetan gods to unite with the Tibetan gods.
If you want to link up with Heaven, you can link up with God’s General Nucleus on your own location.
This is our secret way to hide the gods, which is unrestricted and unaffected. Tianzongmen has us to do it! "
When the mirror proudly said
Yang Xiu drives his location to connect this light ball slowly.
Connect the instant Yang Xiu to feel that part of his location was eaten by this light ball.
And the light ball is also a part of the transfer, which forms a connection.
Suddenly several gods appeared in my mind.
"The Tibetan God Zongguo completed the external cultivation and promotion, and the gas refining period rewarded the merits. The Tibetan cultivation and promotion rewarded the merits in the foundation period!"
Too Heavy Tactics, Divine Worship Tactics, Sinking Deep Method, Celestial Trace Method and Burial Method
Five practices are in sight. Yang Xiuke is looking for one.
This consumes a little merit.
"Too Heavy Tactics" is a kind of operation method of divine knowledge, which can sneak into his brain and combine with the other person’s divine knowledge to sense all the feelings of the other person.
Even in the later stage of cultivation, you can control each other and turn them into your own puppets.
The strategy of worshipping God is a kind of magical power similar to self-hypnosis magic, by which all the forces of one’s spirit and spirit are integrated.
The secret method of Sinking Deep Method builds an abyss in one’s mind, in which several magic things can be cultivated, and then this magic thing is released to occupy other creatures’ spirits, so as to master several soldiers.
The "Heavenly Trace Method" transforms its own mind into auspicious aura, which stimulates auspicious to cleanse the flesh and sublimate the soul.
Let the flesh thoroughly remould oneself, wash the marrow, be easy to realize the Tao and be holy …
Therefore, the scene can be generated quickly, and it is very likely that the avatar will be transformed.

"Who is that peerless master and why don’t you show up?"

Such as Xuan pie pie asks
"This …"
The nangongshan ling look shan shan was speechless.
He doesn’t know who the peerless master is.
Ruxuan turned his head and stared at Su Mo. "Hum, little martial uncle, don’t try to hide this. It must have something to do with you!"
"I know!"
Suddenly, like Xuan, a flash of light flashed in my mind and I exclaimed.
Several people present were startled.
Such as xuan mysteriously to Su Mo side said with certainty "little ShiShu you don’t hide! That peerless master must be you! "
Su Mo "Er …"
After a while, I saw that Ruxuan and the two were still pestering themselves. The look in Su Mo’s heart suddenly became inscrutable. "Well, now that you have discovered my secret, I won’t hide it."
Su Mo gently coughed and said simply, "In fact, it was I who killed the Taoist priest in the Temple of Ghost Fire. By the way, I killed seven Taoist priests who returned to the virtual place and saved you."
I don’t believe Su Mo’s words like Xuan.
Willow smoke-laden’s frowning slightly seems to ponder over every word Su Mo said for a long time.
The Bailian Gate is just ahead.
The attire broke out and a figure came at full speed, and it has already arrived in this spiritual boat in a blink of an eye!
The nangongshan ling three people survived, now see red star gentleman nature is a full face of joy have got up to visit.
But then the three people seemed to think of something and gradually reacted. One by one, they were guilty and hung their heads and dared not speak.
Red Star Dao Jun came with a full face of worry, but when he saw Nangong Ling three people alive and kicking, he didn’t get hurt. He couldn’t help but face a heavy fire and emit three zhangs!
"You three little rabbit pups still don’t let people worry! !”
After a short silence, Red Star Dao Jun roars a mouthful of saliva and the star directly sprays three people with a face.
Su Mo looked at Nangong Ling and shrugged his shoulders. A pair of self-help expressions hurriedly stayed away for fear of being waved.
Chapter nine hundred and twenty-two Who is the young players?
From the outside of the mountain gate to the front of Bailian Hall
The Nangong Ling three people were reprimanded by the Red Star Daojun all the way, and they were sprayed properly, and they all dared not wipe their faces with saliva.
Without the nangongshan ling three people pestering Su Mo beside watching lively happy at leisure.
Red Star Dao Jun naturally asked about the whole story.
Su Mo still somehow prevaricated and said that he had been in the Lingzhou when he woke up.
Red Star Daojun took Su Mo and four people came at the gate of the Bailian Hall to stop reprimanding and take a breath.
"Master, you’re tired, too. We made a mistake. Have a drink."
Such as Xuan will win the favor of Red Star Daojun, and hurriedly gather together in the past, and I don’t know where to make a steaming cup of tea and hand it over.
Red Star Daojun snorted and took a sip of tea and said grumpily, "I’ll teach you a lesson when I’m busy!"
The nangongshan ling three glances know each other this is the past.
The three of them took a long breath and pulled up their sleeves to wipe their faces and saliva.
"It’s good to have nothing to do. A month later, there will be a thousand cranes tea party, and you will have the opportunity to redeem yourself by good deeds." Bai Yan Daojun walked over and said in chin.

"What’s the fairy? She seems to be in the third stage of the true realm, which is far less than Qin Xian and Xian? "

"That’s not necessarily because you didn’t see that Yuehua Sword Immortal stopped painting immortals before starting work?"
Another person analyzed, "I guess Yuehua Sword Fairy is still concerned about the ink."
"The four immortals are famous not only because of their beauty, but also because they are the top group of true immortals!"
Listen to the discussion around Xie Ling look calm or else.
Fairy fighting power is really strong, probably in the spring breeze sword and others!
But even so, Xianyun Bamboo has one person to save the day.
Just now, the three true immortals didn’t have any motivation.
And jueying is still looking for opportunities, and it may suddenly and violently hurt people at any time.
Qin Xian Meng Yao hasn’t made moves yet.
If these two start work, the fairy will fail!
"Not the kui is a fairy tale."
In the spring breeze, the sword fairy chuckled with a flick, and the sword spine trembled and contended.
The three true immortals shot again!
This time, the offensive of the three true immortals is even more fierce and will not be retained.
The halo of the fruit blooming behind Yunzhu is getting bigger and bigger!
See Yunzhu holding a jade pen waving quickly in the virtual to write a few ancient characters.
"kill! Extinguish! Crack! Crash! Shock! Broken! Break! "
These seven characters are not this world full of wild and ancient flavor, and every stroke contains mysterious and powerful power!
Seven ancient words scattered towards the three true immortals!
At this time, the shadow shot!
This sword goes straight to Su Mo’s back!
Su Mo’s scalp explodes, and the warning signs flash in his heart.
And Yunzhu also noticed that the movement and eyes here were slightly condensed, and the jade pen in his hand was thrown backhand and hit the shadow sword!
The ghosting figure suddenly stopped and disappeared again.
This skill is empty.
When he reappeared, he had come to Yunzhu’s side and stabbed him with a sword!
Yunzhu crazy urges Daoguo to have a light drink.
This is not a fixation, but a peerless avatar standing still!
The ghosting figure suddenly broke free from the bondage of this supernatural power.
Although it has little influence on him, it is this instantaneous delay that makes Yunzhu seize the opportunity to stretch out the lush jade finger like a sharp nib before striding towards the eyebrows of Jueying!
Fingertips have not touched the shadow yet, and the latter exudes a wisp of blood between the eyebrows!
At this moment, a little confusion rises in Yunzhu’s heart.
The three swords in the movie seem to be a little weaker than before.
If it’s the peak shadow sword, she shouldn’t be hurt.
Yunzhu didn’t know that Jueying was beheaded by Su Mo in a flash in Cangyun Mountain for sixty thousand years in Shou Yuan!
The ghosting power has actually reached its peak.
Just then, the dream Yao Qin rang again.
Yunzhu frowned slightly and felt his eyes tingle, and his arms trembled slightly.
Jueying’s eyes lit up and took the opportunity to shoot!
Shadow interest
Yunzhu quickly retreated or slowed down. He was injured by the shadow sword to the lower abdomen. He was scratched with a wound, dripping with blood and instantly dyed red plain clothes.
Mengyao finally sits on the periphery and seems to stay out of it, but asking her to play the piano will determine the whole situation!
The two sides have just met and Yunzhu has been injured in a few rounds.
Yunzhu, this is a warning to you.